@kmanworld @neroist Oh and be sure to kill them with fire or acid weapons or spells. As they have a tendency to regen and come back and slay your entire party as they sleep after the battle!
Wow I don't use Giant Bomb because I like the format that GS has used for a long time. I found GS back in 98 and have stayed with GS for along time. Didn't become a member for a long time as the payed sub thing really turned me off to being a member.
If I wanted a Giant Bomb like site I was use GB. After GS fired Jeff Gerstmann for giving a truthful review about K&L2 even tho Ubi had payed the banner on the site. I stopped reading GS .
Came back after awhile and didn't goto GB that Jeff started because I didn't like the UI. But I knew that on GB I would get an honest review no matter who was paying for advertisements.
Now GS you are getting rid of the carousel? Gifs? Getting rid of users levels and making them start over? And Unions?
I am upset and talking about it because I care and have been loyal to GS since the 90's.... This feels like a slap in the face and looks like it will be HARDER to navigate!
@Metallicwolf29 @neroist Consoles have Operating Systems as well. With only 512 MB of RAM they can only handle a very small amount of processes at one time. That means less AI, less fill rate, less shading, less motion, less population of game world objects and physics. You want unpopulated worlds with pop in textures, horrible physics, and stupid AI in your games? Games being designed to be able to run on current gen consoles have been an anchor to what is capable.
@Mightyyoda1 Sure I hear the overhead argument all the time. But I read an article that the cost to maintain and support WoW for 8 years was accumulated in one month.
Face it Blizz milks the $h!t out of their customer$ !
neroist's comments