@Nova_Prime_85 @frylock1987 I do not understand how Acti/Blizz has so many fanboys that support them so vehmently. They have the worst practices in the video gaming indstury atm.
Real Money acution house they get a cut from: check
Drop rates for loot designed for profit on RM auction house: check
Always online DRM: check
Game designed to accommodate out of date systems to maximize profits: check
Friendlier atmosphere against established style: check
But but EA is so bad.... I rather play their games then the crap that Acti/Blizz pumps out.
And they call EA greedy? When not pumpin out another Callodoody (same game; 10 new maps = $60). Acti/Blizz designs games with drops rates around real money auction houses (D3). That they get a cut in? EA could only dream of this level of greed.
@DramacydalN3D yeah but you only will play that game for the year saving you $60 aevery 3 weeks for a new game. Besides that have to make new content , balance, support in game out of game, maintain, bandwidth, hosting sites, etc.....
@Trance_Circa Yeah paying to use the internet when it is not an ISP is stupid to begin with. Go to PC gaming. Where you only pay your ISP for internet use. Not an ISP AND M$/Sony....
@Thanatos2k @netter99 Sure just look up Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny... straight unplayable shovelware. It's an alpha build Steam knows it. But will not put Alpha on the store page. And Steam not giving anyone's money back.
$20 for software that will not work more than 20 mins... that's Steam.
neroist's comments