@sieg6529 The fact that in DA2 the plot is you're refuges making a city the home for your family and yourself. Over the years you deal with strife and keep the city together and survinig.
Much better than the "save the world/princess from x bad thing" that we play in EVERY game nowadays. But there was so much backlash that the industry will stick to the rehash plot in a never ending cycle...
@MasterManiac772 Yes fan fiction/art is not suppose to make money. It's "free speech" and "freedom of expression". Not "Freedom make thousands of dollars off someone elses IP".
@Grenadeh Not entirely true. In the US we have this thing called the Bill of Rights. Which gives protection against Copyright and Trademarks. You are free to draw a picture of Batman doing something cool. You can even draw the Batman trademark. What you can not do is market it.
@Slagar Yeah the practices of Activision/Blizzard are far worse than EA as of late, but still ride on the laurels of fanbois. Act/Blizz make rehash graphically inferior games every time. Then charge out the ying yang to play. I enjoy far more the games coming from EA (Bioware, Visceral anyone). But mindless internetz love Blizz but hate EA cause it is the cool thing to do.
@stan_boyd @deathblow3 I would consider myself in the "hardcore" category, but at the same time I am on the move a lot and not being able to do at least a temp/interrupt save is ridiculous. I have a 1000w SLI PC and do not want to spend up to quarter a hour to leave my PC running so I can come and play where I left off. Even the "hard" games of old cRPG had saves and quick saves.
@OurSin-360 I thought the same thing. Of course there would be the discussion of money as that is what a company does. It looks at all options in money matters. But it was not a wise move to openly admit it in public, given the internetz attitude toward EA and ME3 .
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