Wow a Gamspot editor gives a game no one not in the press has played a 8.0 and that gets +16k comments. Meanwhile a team of devs/modders spend 7 years remaking the entire Baldur's Gate game in a 3D engine and gives it away free! And there will maybe be 100 comments? Bah I give upon the internetz.
@Aphyosemion The mod creators have said that it is fan art. I think it is quite awesome when people do things out of love for something. Money does not have to be the motivator for everything in this world. Remember when people made games cause they love them?
@Bellum_Sacrum @neroist @plaintomato @Hurvl Its my opinion that Dark Souls is overrated. Last I checked my opinion was not fact of life. I just find Dark Souls lacking and dull. My little nephew loved it, and people on the internetz hyped it up so much I bought it. Very dissapointed with all the hyped reviews.
On the other hand I have been TES fan for years. I find the lore more interesting than Greek mythology, Star Wars and many other loved mythos. So Skyrim was seen though rose tinted glasses you could say.
@plaintomato @Hurvl Just my personal opinion but Dark Souls is a very overrated console game with shallow lore. It doesn't hold a candle to Skyrim in any department other than enferior rpg dept.
@SandRunneR Haven't tried out the mod yet. But I would say that it will most definitely have a different feel than the original. Not sure if it will have the same magic that captivated me with the original. I will play this mod none the less as the BG was awesome. But if you haven't played the original yet I suggest you do.
@jmc88888 @malec_1 @neroist @poster012 @Hurvl @sideshowboots Steam is DRM and a snake in the grass. Origin is not the only digital Distrubsion App out there. GoG is BY FAR the best by offering DRM free EVERYTHING. GameStop , Game Fly( albiet the downloads from them not the steam downloads they sale), and many others That are entirely DRM free.
Buy into and support DRM all you want, but Steam see games as "services" they can be taken away at any time, for any reason. There is a reason why those games are cheap. They are "services". I for one do not buy from steam whenever there is an alternative.
But you go on preaching how DRM and account linked games that you can't keep are good... when even EA the most hated company in the US still lets you keep what you buy.
neroist's comments