@Kjranu Cloud was cool and all. One of the best FF Charecters. But I feel we have been over saturated with him as well. Don't forget too that FF7 was when it all turned emo.
FF3(US)/ FF6(JP) was one of my favorite. And I believe is ripe for redoing.
@malec_1 @neroist @poster012 @Hurvl @sideshowboots Just Google what people have been banned for from Steam. They lose their entire Library. Steam IS DRM. At least with Origin you get banned you still have your install packet. And yes you can get banned for useing Helix mods in Skyrim
@poster012 @Hurvl @sideshowboots Its better to buy from Origin as you get to keep the game forever and the install package once downloaded. Steam is DRM and can take the game away from you any time. You can get your entire account banned from Steam for putting in a 3d mod for Skrim, think about that. With Steam you don't even get the install packet to reinstall if steam goes under.
neroist's comments