@Meta_Dragon @Zoza24 Or the central bank that is privatized called the Federal Reserve..... Its not federal or a reserve. Just giving that name so people think the US government issues their money not foreign banks.
Hey I just figured out how M$ is going to meet their 1 billion sales mark. With the surveillance a lot of governments are going to make them mandatory to watch TV on your TV.
@SunlessDark @neroist @Alucard_Prime repost: alucard has rated 83 games for Xbox 360. 74 of them 9.0 or higher ... including titles like Alien: Colonial Marines with a 10... he works for M$
@SunlessDark @Alucard_Prime alucard has rated 83 games for Xbox 360. 74 of them 9.0 or higher ... including titles like Alien: Colonial Marines with a 10... he works for M$
@Alucard_Prime Yes by unplugging it. And yes the Kinect 2 requires to be on to play. And yes it records reactions to games, ads, and TV. so it is a privacy concern.
“People should have the ability to turn off the camera or microphone,” he said, “even if it limits the functionality of the machine.” He added that privacy is “all about control”. Amen to that!
@FAIL_TR0LL @Zxar07 no but the databases they keep on the data they gather is never good. You never who, where, and what they are doing with it. Consumers speaking out their dislike about it is good. Showing that the instursion is not welcomed is a start to go against the way things are heading.
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