No they government uses peoples personal data against people all the time without their consent for looking for probable cause all the time. I can link a hundered such cases if you got the time.
@CROAT_56 @bledsoe45sbc @neroist @tcr-uk @Devils-DIVISION @COPMAN221ISBACK You can just about sue anybody for anything. But they will share statics. They wouldn't be pushing for always on kinect and sync up every 24/7 if not.
@bledsoe45sbc @tcr-uk @Devils-DIVISION @COPMAN221ISBACK You don't think when you first turn on the system. Load it up and make your account. You click the ToS I agree/accept button or not play at all.
@COPMAN221ISBACK Do you really want them to know if your heart beat goes faster on sexes, ages, and violence levels. You are freely giving up your 4th amendment and paying money to do so! Any law enforcement ,court, or government agency can subpena (or just simply ask) for this data.America meet the Trojan Horse.
Maybe M$ a brilliant artistic company just trying to entertain everyone for free on the internetz. Posed as the most stupid idea ever for a console. I mean look at this. This is quite entertaining and amusing. Bravo guys bravo.
@DarkSunless @MAD_AI @neroist @Super_Tramp Yes but those were the best moments ever of this site. Ranting irate gamers in protest, and naked gifs of lesbian hotties scissor locking all in one thread.
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