newmanmaster's forum posts
Someone hasnt played Killzone, or one of these highly rated shooters:[QUOTE="caleb5050"]Seriously I still dont find a shooting game worser then halo not doom not turok...nothing comes to mindlimpbizkit818
BUT KILLZONE 2 WILL BE POWERED BY THE CELL!!!!No way, I rather them go back to 4v4. Smaller maps and less players = more intense.[QUOTE="limpbizkit818"][QUOTE="c0mplex"]awesome vid... but going back to 16 players when Treyarch was able to fit in 24 in MP is kinda lame.blues3531
yea but its a war game. when have u ever heard of a war with 4v4 in small roomed indoor areas, if it was a tactical shooter like vegas or socom this would suffice but its war for crying out loud
It may be a war game, but its not Rome Total War. Its a modern war shooter and in most times there probably is only a squad of 8 soldiers depending on what they need to do. Smaller maps with less people does make the feel of combat more intense.Doom is a great co-op game indeed including Doom 3 for the original xbox. Theres also perfect dark zero which has co-op abilities i also highly recommend Crackdown, and GRAW 2 for great co-op fun.Well, Splinter Cell Double Agent has co-op missions. They are basically you and your friends vs the computer with rather amusing A.I who knows where you are all all times. At least it seems like it. It's both good and bad. However it is always funny no matter what happens. There are also plenty of missions to keep anyone busy for a while and some are quite challenging. The game is pretty cheap as well. I got mine for like $12 because I had some $10 off used games. Still, it's pretty fun. Other then that I'm not to sure what has co-op.
Oh yes, DOOM for the arcade ^___^. That's fun co-op as well.
I think every game should of co-op, but that's just me. I enjoy co-op more then I enjoy regular multiplayer but game developers just don't get it through their heads.
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