Pretty much all UT players agree that UT2K4 is the best.freedomfreak ut2k3 had a better community had people making halloween,christmas and easter themed deathmatch maps.
streaming let consoles get away with running crysis lol it no way it could run crysis without streaming. on the pc you have the option to turn that crap off :)
my computer uses 600 some mbs of memory just sitting there doing nothing and opening webpage like gamespot im using about 900-1gb of 7 64 bit here.
This is like the pretty background on the big waves iceburg level on killzone 3 or the big background city on killzone2 if you seen that before lol.
If you took away all the building background props and just look at the building you are actually walking and fighting on lol it looks like crap compared to crysis 3.
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