Their are so many factors that can influence the sales of both of those consoles. It looks like the 720 will attempt to appeal to the core and casuals with avastly improved kinect with a lot of cool features most likely and lots of hardcore and casual games. Sony is attempting to appeal to the core gamers which is not usually a good idea unless they can grab both the core's and casuals.Ninty is still a giant wildcardand sadly most people don;t recognize that. They could potentially take second in the console race if they manage to improve the WiiU's situation. That involves marketing the thing like crazy and properly, improving the WiiU's OS, providing a ton of high quality games and attemptig to court more third parties.
Please leave these forums forever lol, that's what nintendo is exactly trying to do with the wiiu is grab core and casual gamers and its failing. They need to focus on the core gamer ONLY!
They have to appeal to both to have any chance of getting in first and so far it looks like MS may snatch up both groups.
Ummm consoles arent a race. Casuals dont buy games no sense in trying to make games for them it's like trying to make money from pirates.
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