Idk. Watching that leaked video with the jet pack, it seemed to look terrible actually. Like a PS3 game. Still interested in it though. But I already have my hopes way down, knowing fully it will not hit or exceed the first trilogy.
Is it just me or do all these updates mean nothing to someone who bought and played this at launch? I platinumed it in a month. And since BGS royally screwed up and casualized this game to ultra linearity there's no point in a replay.
Ugh. These articles about this PS4.5 are an absolute nightmare. Wild speculation combined with idiot kids and consumers make for a quick headache. I really wish game sites would stop this type of rumor-speculation mongering--but they're games news people: their job is only as good as their game overlords allow them to be. This type of news, drip-fed by developers to these sites, create an atmosphere of mania and confusion and anger. No way around it.
Bluntly, this is the dumbest article in months. Why? Because it is leading people to believe it is fact, when it is not. And if it is true, it is one of the dumbest strategies Sony has ever produced. CONSOLES ARE NOT PCS. They're machines for developers to use as stable and reliable vehicles for their games to be published on, without fear or doubt that the specs won't deliver. By implementing upgradable consoles is basically giving the finger to tens of millions of people who don't like microtransactions, or updating hardware, or constantly be given a new set of bills for their entertainment expenses. That's for the PC people, who enjoy tinkering, modding, and oh yeah, spending hundreds to thousands of dollars for pixelized entertainment. Consoles have always been plug and play, and developers capitalize on this fact, knowing that every single person that buys and plays their game will have the same experience. Period. It is why Oculus and Vive have such a hard job with their VR kits: millions of people will have unstable experiences at the simple fact that all Rifts and Vives are created equal, for an incredibly unequal platform--the PC.
If Sony decides to follow through with this terrible idea, it will set a slippery slope precedent in that it trends and becomes the new normal. Which essentially is the proverbial waving of the white flag of surrender and defeat to the PC market. So what are tens of millions of people supposed to do with their young-but-now-obsolete machines? eBay or craigslist? Yeah that's not a freaking headache and a half to get only 20% (if that) of their money back. Basically it completely shits on the people who made the machine what it is today. Nobody will be happy, and Sony will have effectively ruined all their hard-earned good graces with their consumers.
PSVR not capable on PS4? Then don't fucking make it for PS4, make it for PS5. Simple. But yet they are. So it must work, right? Right, it does work on PS4. So incorporating a .5 version doesn't make sense strategically or otherwise for that matter.
And since I'm talking to 8 year olds, I'll give you a quick lesson in 4K. 4K DOES NOT MATTER. I will repeat. 4K DOES NOT MATTER!!! Why? Your eyes. They're great and all but they're stupid, literally. Eyes cannot differentiate past 1080p after 3 feet of distance. The further you are from your TV, the less it matters. Don't believe me? Try it at home: Stand 1 foot from your 1080p TV--see the pixels? Sure you do. Now walk away about 6 feet from your TV. See any pixels? No I didn't think so. The same rule applies to 4K. Stand close, and you will STILL see individual pixels. Sit on your couch about 5-10 feet away and you see nothing. Unless you're a weirdo freak that stares at big screen TVs 6 inches away. Other than that, it is all the same. ADD TO THE FACT that there is virtually ZERO television/cable companies outputting 4K content. Add in there's no 4K games, and you've all but got the same damn machine. People just see a bigger pair of tits and immediately want to throw the double D's out to the curb. People don't think there are limits to our anatomical makeup, but there is. That's why 4K TVs are still so rare--it simply doesn't matter.
Sony, I swear to god if you do this I'm done with you. And I will become a staunch PC advocate because what is the other alternative when dedicated consoles go the way of the incessantly demanding upgrader?
nikolistary's comments