ZombiU is still one of the most sold game on the wii U (even if it was bundled..)
=> Ubisoft and/or Nintendo should push for this game/franchise.., it could become something like Demon's Souls, which didn't sell that much either.. but layed the foundation for great frachise and one of the most hyped games of 2014..... => AND Ubisoft, should realise, that ZombU (besides others, like Demon's Souls, Metro and Last of Us) has started a "horror/thriller" surivival boom, with many similar games comming 2014... and ZombiU should be "leading" them!!..
=> besides the bad PR and (bloody) bad game cover of ZombiU (a few reasons for the bad selling), Ubisoft is also not realising the potential the game/franchise has.. (with a bit more PR), it could become the new "Dead Space" or "Dark Souls" with "Zombies" Franchise....
=> Ubisoft should rethink ZombiU, the Game sold well for a "Wii U" game, damn it.., if needed, make it a "mulitplatfom" game, just bring ZombU2 (and keep it a "single player" game.. "fear" works best, when playing alone in a dark enviroment, without destraction...)
or Nintendo should prove to us "core" game lovers, that Nintendo really is taking us serious, and help finance ZombiU2.. , the game is like a raw franchise diamond, that need's a some time to creat/cut into something briliant...,
if neither Ubisoft nor Nintendo can see that, than they're "market analysis" is worthless... (nowonder, Ubisoft only brings AC, AC, AC , and between times SP and... whild Nintendo only brings Mario, Mario, Mario and between times Zelda...and they're oversaturatng the market with they're own games.. .)
some (new) franchises need time to get a fan base and develop into epical stuff (and for a game like ZombiU, with such a short devlopement time, and for Wii U Game sales, it's not tha bad...)
this is Sony's chance, not to put a region lock on the PS4...., and give core gamers another reason to but the PS4 and not the Xone... (since it's mostly core gamers anyways, who buy imports.. not the masses)
@sdoc96 I a agree, there should be some sort of "controling/supervising" of reviewers...
anyone (who's frustrated or whatever) can make or pick out "negativ" arguments and put a game (any game, even Skyrim or Zelda) in a bad light to justify a low score... gamespot should double check any review that has such a frustrated/negativ tone... (like RE6..., even if RE6 has faults....)
you either didn't play ZU or you didn't understand Z (think you didn't play it, I'll say why later)
you don't need more (powerfull) meele weapons, because you need a "weak" meele weapon, that can't slash through hordes of zombies.., every figth with a meele has to be a strugle/dangerous and as soon as two or more zombies show up, it has to feel like "panik".. => we don't need more powerfull meele weapons, it's not a mistake and I hope Ubisoft will not "learn their lesson"...
... (the reason I think you didn't play ZU and just making asumptions) you can modify and upgrade balistic weapons (power, ammo, ect...), but still there is so little ammo, that it still gives a senstion of "weakness"..
there are some "RPG" Elements, the more you use a weapon, the better the character can handle the weapon, but I don't think those are needed, the character should stay "weak and vunrable"... , and since you ofen die, you often lose those "RPG" level-ups, (thankfully) they dont matter much..
only when trying the "Survivl/1-life" mode, those RPGs elements should make a diffrence .., suriving without diying once is tough and incredibly intense
you do lik the the "perma death thing"!? (you didn't even play it, did you??..), that perma death thing" + the realistic amtmosphere + easy deaths + other well done elments, makes ZU the most intense game of the year (if not the most intense game ever..., well of course when playing alone and possible at night),
no combos, no flashy powerups, no big/long level ups are needed nor wanted..., for a sequel Ubisoft should only take away the radar (or make it weaker) and make the game bigger and maybe let the characte be able to "duck" (like stealth) to move more agile...., and maybe add an "L4D" coop mode (that should be insanely difficult)
if you only look at the (amont of) "gameplay" elements alone, it isn't as complex or big as other big games or aother "masterpieces"...
but L4D didn't have that much gameplay either, but the survival feeling on exepert was one if its kind...,
same with ZU, it's a gaming experiece not to be missed and should be played ALONE and AT NIGHT WITH A GOOD SOUND SYSTEM or HEADPHONES..., once you get into the "amosphere" and surive long enogh, ZU trully feels like a small masterpiece
@Bayonetta2013 you sound like you "looked" at the game (and just compared the look of the zombies...), but didn't really play ZU.... , ZU is a VERY INTENS game,besides playing/survivaing "alone" (not like TWD) ,you also play in the 1-person-view (also not like TWD)..., the TWD is more like a "drama" than crzay intens (survival) fear game like ZU...
after Resident Evil 6 (yes, which does have it's flaws) and now after Zombi U => Gamespot get some serious reviewers, you're becoming the as untrustworthly as the famitsu or worse..,
get some dudes, who really understand games and are not too focused on other games like COD or TWD (wanting to play those instead of ZU)... and who don't let their frustration out on the game (because of their own incompetence while playing the difficult Zombi U)..
we need a control board, that controls and stops or even punishes stupid, bashing and frustrated reviewers, from giving any bul...hit low scores or reviews..
either the reviewer played the game during the day with with his friends or at the office of gamespot and didn't get into the atmosphere of the game ... or it was to difficult and frustrating for the reviewer...
(play the game alone at night..., this isn't a Mario game..)
and there's no word on how insanliy intense the atmosphere is,
ZU is taking the throne as the new survival game, and being more intense then Prokjekt Zero, Condemned or Demons/Dark Souls.. (or any Resident Evil)
sure the game is not like a hollywood blockbuster (like COD) or have many combo moves or boss fights ect.., but that's not what it's about in ZU...
really, giving Zombi U 4.5 (after giving RE6 the same), shows how f....ing incompetent gamespot reviewers have become...,. they just don't know how to play games...
ZU is the freshest game of the year and (by far) the most instens (solo) survival game ever!..., ZU should win GOTY...
yes, if he has a personal opinion resp. a presonl problem with the game, sure, I respect it., but then he should just admitt it or realize it..
but then score the game "objectively" and not "personally"... 4.5 is a personaly grudge against a game he didn't undertand or was to frustrated with...
it's clear, it was a personal thing, RE6 never ever deseres such a low score, it
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