ninboxstation's comments

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it's not the reviewer and the masses didn't have the same opinion, it's the reviewer didn't know how to play the game and got frustrated over it...

(played it like a COD shooter, couldn't handle some scrpited or respawning moments, didn't use the melee, knife and ground sliding moves ect..)

it's like letting an amature test Street fighter 4, who does't use the moves or combos and complains how difficult or unfair the game is

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"I had my frustrations as well when I first began playing it, but once I worked through them and figured things out, I actually enjoyed the experience overall and would rate it a 7.5/10"

the tester should have tooken the time to "learn the controlles":

melee, knife, ground sliding ect...; now how to handle respawing zombies, by either sliding by them,. or if needed slide into them.

when playing on veteran, the gameplay experience goes from 7.5-8.5.... (or higher)

instead of "run'n shooting" thru the game, you fight, melee, slide ect. you're way thru... and the tension is higher when playing solo..(co-op takes away a lot of tension and atmosphere...)

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everybody does misstakes once in while,..

hope Kevin will refeclt on it and take his time to "learn" the controlles and gameplay of such big games, instead of rushing it thru like a COD/Shooter...

testers are supposed to tell us the finesses of the gameplay and controlles (maybe even reporte what the diffrente difficulty settings are like), and not mock it, because they couldn't handle the pace and action.....

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Edited By ninboxstation

it might be a grudge against Capcom... but it's more the testers didn't know how to play it (trying to play it like COD/like a shooter instead of using melee, the goundsliding move, using the knife often ect. ect...)

using the knife as the "standard" weapon, lets use the melee more ofte to.. and save ammo, but alos is a cool gameplay part and you don't get caught by zombies so often (less QTEs)....,

using the groundsliding part is great against dodging resawing zombies or takleing zombies before the can strike.... (the sliding move can be use so often)

if you try to play it like a 100% shooter, it will be to frustrating.. . (and if you try to master the controlles half way thru the game, it's almost to late)

also don't play one campaign straight thru, change betweent the characters..(play the 1st of each campaign.. also to gain skillpoints, so the next chapters of the campaigns are not so hard..

maybe play it solo firt (not co-op) for the atmosphere and some special moments (RE were ment to be played solo anyways)..., the NCP can be kept close (use the B button, or hold the B button) and the NPC can be used as distraction (hold B and press up on the digitalcross)...

for anyone who's played a RE before. after playing the pelude and the first chapter Leon, change to veteran!! (it's still easier than RE5 on veteran, but the gameplay moves a way from COD/shooter more towards "survival" (with the cool moves & co... and if a boss seems to hard, then you're just missing a clou.. the bosses arn't that hard on veteran)

if you play like that, you'll love RE6 and give it atleast 9.0

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controlles are fine.. only when in small areas (like small rooms, or stairways) the camera can be like too close (especially when trying to aim)...

but then in such "close areas" ya need to use "close combat" resp. melee moves.. or the knife..


besides the camera, the moves, once mastered are cool,

groundsliding, melee moves, counter moves ect..., the controls are fiine in RE6.. , just need a bit of getting used to.... (especially if you're only used to COD and other normal shooters..)

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it's because testers like Kevin, who gave the game un unfair low score, is pulling down the Meta and pulling down even possible the sales..

but why did they (Kevin & co) give low scores, because they couldn't handle the action...,

...not using the melee and knife often, not using sliding move against respawing zombies, trying to play this like COD (like a normal shooter ect. ect....

if they don't know how to play in the first place, they shouldnt test it.. (or stick to a genre they understand...)

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don't play RE6 on co-op.. it takes away the atmosphere and some cool moments...,

westernized? it's finde, that RE6 has "western" controlles,

zombies with guns, sowhat...(like the guys from RE4, instead of pitchforks, they got uzis....)

and the 100% mindlessly zombies with guns, , kind of shoot (uh...) "mindlessly"

if you play on veteran, and survive using melee, the knife, the sliding ect.. ,then the game will deserve 8.5-9.5...

if you run thu it in normal in co-op (and mostly only shoot), it will only deserve 6.5-7.5

and you'r also an noob at action games, that are not COD, (or also incompetent at QTEs) then it will get 4.5-5.5, like Kevin gave it

so play it right.., veteran and solo first..

(if you got co-op, then play at least veteeran, and play "slowly", meaning learn the controlles and don't try to play it like COD or GOW..., but instead use the melee, the knife, the sliding ect. alot, besides shooting)


its like these experienced tester don't know how to play games today.. ... (like some didn't know how to play L4D or Skyrim...).. then don't test games, period

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Edited By ninboxstation

Dead Space imo great too!!! (besides L4D, the best "horror" or "surival" game of this Gen)

DS and L4D both sit on the new thrones of "horror or zombie (survival)" games of this gen.. (let's see how Zombi U will be..)

DS best, when played on veteran.. (but ya have to be prepard to die a few times)

L4D best, when played in 4 co-op and on expert


but RE6 almost has more to offer than DS, but isn's as polished as DS

and RE6 takes more time to fully understand and master the controlles...., have to be prepard for using the melee, knif, sliding and NPC to really enjoy RE6.. (and not only try to shoot you're way thru it, like COD..)

RE6 (solo) is best on Veteran (but be prepared to die a few times.., and maybe master the controlles first on normal druing Leons frist chapter)

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after reading many (ridiculous) low scrores given to RE6, you can read the same thing between the lines "frustrated" testers....

those who gave the game under 7.0, didn't understand the controlles and actio!!

- only shooting till they had no ammo, instead of uing the melee and knife more often..;

- or trying to kill of every respawing zombie, instead of sliding by them,..ect.ect.ect.

(sliding is imo well done)

=> if you hate QTEs, are only used to playin simple shooters like COD (on easy or normal) where you only have to headshoot all the time, don't have patience to learn the controlles at the beginning (but prefere to run thru the game fast), then RE6 is too much for you.., got back to playing COD Online or back to playing Pokemon...

(nothing against Pokemon, I love it too...)

=> if you like a challange, know how to play games (using all the moves, weapons, tacticks, NPCs ect..) and you in any kind of way loved any of the previous RE games, then DO NOT MISS OUT ON RE6!!! simple as that...

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if you have patience, and want to really enjoy this masterpiece :

hold thru the prelude and Leon's 1st chapter on normal, then play the rest on veteran (and use the melee alot, besides the knife!! learn to use the knife and "sliding"!!!)....

but play each of the characerst 1st chaptes first (Leons, Chris's then Jakes...), then only go for the 2nd chapter of each character..; it's imo more fun and you skill up better for the later levels...

(in general, those who are fustrated and find it to hard, dont got thru a whole campagne first...)

don't play this like COD,,only usnig guns and headshoots..., use and master the knife, melee and ground-sliding moves...

(like when you have to surive endless respawing zombies, dont' complain about it being cheap, just slide by them cool...and slash them on the way :D....)


it's imo easier then RE5 von Veteran.... (and some seemingly hard bosses, uesally have clou)


despite some flaws.., RE6 is a GOTY candidate!!! ...sorry Gamespot....

..never expected RE6 to be this good!! especially after the lame-ish demo and after disapointing REORC, and many low scores (from fustrated players, who don't know how to play a game... after so many hours of COD, no wonder...)...,

but RE6 just starts of a bit konfus, so hold thru till after the 1st Leon chapter and learn the controlles a bit, before bashing this small masterpiece (with flaws..)...