better grafix than any other Capcom game? check, yes!
more variety, then any other RE? check, yes!
more atmosphere then any other RE? check, amlost
(Leon's part has about as much atmos as RE4)
more action then any other RE? check, yes!
more horror then any other RE? check, no!
more horror then RE5? check, almost
(something between RE4 and RE5...)
best melee action ever in a RE? check, yes!
best character in any RE? check, yes! (Jake)
less flaws and issues then anyother RE check, no!
(it has some more flaws, more than the RE 4 and RE5, but less the REORC)
did we expect it to be as epic as RE4 was back then, no! so what did you expcet? a flawless game? more horror? maybe...., but I prefere a game with a few flaws, but with so many great things (shooter controlles, great grafic) with new and old RE feelings...
I' actually expected less after REORC..., but does the game deserve under 5.0, NO!!
not even under 8.0, unless you can't handle the controlles/action...,
playing it solo on veteran, it plays ile RE4, die a few times, but mastered the sliding and melee by leon's 2nd chapter...
and if it's to hard, then play the chapter 1-2 of each campagne (leon, chris and jake) to collect skill points, then only start the 3-4 chaptes of each character...
(just don't try to rush to the end of one campagne, it it's to hard, like for fustrated Kevin)
the controlles ara fine... but if you rush ahead before mastering them, then it can be difficult..
the game has some flaws (a few logic holes, can be very linear, here and there some angle/camerea problems)... but the overall action, story, pace, atmosphre ect are great..
you're starting to sound like Kevin "having problmes witht the game" (being to difficult, cause of the controlles, camera, QTEs ect....)
most people who tend not to like it are "furstrated" from it..., that's a bit how you sound...
don't miss RE6 cause of the meta (the game is far better)
don't miss RE6 cause of the demo (the game is far, far better)
don't mss RE6 cause of gamespot (the game is far, far, far better)
and it might be the best looking Capcom game so far, besides having a great atmosphere (music!)..
...sure a real "survival horror" game would maybe have been cooler, but RE6 is exactly what many wanted, RE4 and RE5 with "real shooter controlles" but keeping the true RE Feeling....
(but yes, it is the least "polished" RE ever, meaning it has a few flaws and and can be QTE intensiv, but still imo the best RE ever!)
anyone play the solo on veteran? it's give the oldschool RE feeeling....
4.5 is a joke..., 6.5 is still to bad.. (like mentioned before, RE5 AND Shadows of the damned both got 8.5)
, ok RE5 AND Shadows of the damned were both more polished, but never had the momentum, oldschool feeling, the variety nor the intense atmosphere of RE6... o
RE6 has the best "Action, "Stealth", "Characters", "Music" and "Grafix" ever of a RE...
RE6 just starts of lame-ish... (Prelude and Leons first Chapter..), but takes of later on (with a few flaw here and there.. but overall better than RE5 and SOTD combinded!)
Operation Raccoon City starts of lame, but when playing coop it's can get to be fun
but you have to break free from convential methodes to survive..., most try to play it like COD "shoot for the head, the rest doesn't matter".. wich wont be really rewarding..., fun/gameplay-wise......
(and play it veteran, like L4D is crap on normal, only on expert it gets freezy...)
REORC deserves about (40-)50.. but in coop on veteran 55-65... maybe even 60-70 (yes, REORC is really is a "tactical" shooter, not just a plain shooter, so yes again many tester willl be fustrated, who only play COD...)..., but it really starts of lame (more like 30-40, and maybe even reaches upto 60-70 in coop..., but not much above)
admit, that Dragons Dogma is not overall great, not near as good as monster hunter.. but has some cool fights and a cool feeling when striving over the overworld.. (but not needed vasallen system and boring quests...) DD maybe also deserved aout 70, at best.. (but had good controlles and some cool climaxes.. and an overall ok feeling)
but RE6 DOES NOT DESERVE UNDER 60, AND HELL NOT UNDER 50...(solo or coop)..,
it's well over 70.. , if not even well over 80...(and if can swallow some issues at the stat, and have a bit of experiece with RE and not afraid of QTEs, then it might even be over 85...)
RE6 has some issues,. but it overall totally feels better than in REORC .... nor does it have such major issues like DD (the vasallen are just boring and not needed...., most quests are just lame...)....
RE6 has a few "logic" problems: like in one scene a window is broken in, in a later scene the same window seems unharmed...; once you cann't jump over a table, then a few scenes later you can jump over the same type of table.
but those "logic" holes or flaws are by far not near as often, that it can take down the whole momentum of action or gameplay or atmosphere...
"during Chris the aiming is more difficult"?? what??.. no it's not... (but the action is better a tick more complex)
underlinese again, most people who dont like game, seem find it to difficult (compared to the "railshooter" and very simple controlles of COD.., yeah, sure...), and start to blame the controlles, QTEs, the camera ect. ect...
(well, RE is supose to be hard, not easy..., and yes, RE always had controlles to get used to at first, but once mastered, they were cool.. but even mastering them was sometimes part of the fun..)
user scores are often ussless, because they often like shouting "crap 1.0" and stuff like that... (or they wright them in a totally subject mood (not objektiv), like when frustrated ...., not how real testers should.. (looking at Kevin^^...)
if it were a 6.0, I would have though (very, very, very tough judging, too tough...), even 7.0 ist tough..
but 4.5, that's a joke, and clearly the tester had a personal problem with the game
(or wanted to recieve more ransom?? $$$??)....
this game is despite some flaws (mostly at the beginning) truly one of Capcom's best game for the PS3/360 (besides SF4...)
just use the variety of moves/weapons, .. maybe even use melee more often, when facing single zombies at a time (it's like dacing around them and then taking them out..).. the fights and survival is cool.. , if only trying to go for headshots, or only for melee hits, it might be a tad less rewarding....
and maybe play the frist of each charactes chapters (Leon, Chris and Jake) instead of only sticking to Leons, for more variety
but imo, Leon's chapters had the closest thing to "good old RE" feeling with the most atmosphere (but it starts of lame).... Chris's felt more like RE5, but had more impressive grafix (at times, very impressiv).., Jake had the best character and was something in between, but maybe the best gameplay of the the three...
excatly ...the reviewer was "burned out" on the action....
sure the negativ points in the test really have some substance... but when reading the test, it felt just to "frustrated".., the game isn't all bad, like tying to be described......
the game is well paced, looks good (most of the time...), has great sound, variety, cool monsters, a cool new character (Jake), starts of with a good story and atmosphere (Leon), even if the prelude and Leons first chapter aren't so great..., chris's and Jake's first chapters are cool.. (maybe play each chararcter first, before only sticking to Leon...)
ok the controlles,yeah.., some "moves" have to get a bit used to, like sliding or rolling.. which both when once used to, should maybe be used more often... well they feel good and and are usefull... like the melee moves...
RE6 isn't overall as polished as RE5 or Shadows of the damned.. but it's surely better!
it really is the beginning, that can pull you down, if it seems to hard.. also friends of mine reacted like that at first.. (and they kept hiting the right analog stick when the action got hot, and kept chaning the left/right view like that and messing things up...)
if you use the meele a lot, which is cool (and saves ammo), watch the zombie movments, and keep the NPC close (or you're friend close), it shouldn't be to frustrating.., like read between the lines of this test and other tests with bad scores..
(really, just because they couldn't handle the game...., hope angry dude, will be better at the game.. otherwise I'll be angry at him...ha ha...)
the game rocks (just don't try the lame demo..., its like trying the frist L4D demo, before playing the game... no, it's worse, much worse...)
ninboxstation's comments