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nirvanaphoenix Blog

2007 Reviews

Well, I've settled back into School and the routine of waking up before midday (I HATE it!) and over the next few weeks and over the course of 2007 (gotta get used to doing that) I'll be doing loads more reviews, in January you can expect reviews for:

DragonBall Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2, Final Fantasy VIII and LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, as well as reviews for Doctor Who (New Series) with an review of the Series 2 Box Set, Torchwood and High School Musical.

Speaking of that, I'll be doing a review of the High School Musical soundtrack on (my first update for that site, apart from changing my user image to Gonzo of Muppet fame) as well as reviews for both Pirates of The Carribean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl and possibly either Casino Royale or X-Men.

Later in the year, I'll do a review for Pirates Of The Carribean: Dead Man's Chest as well as all six Star Wars films, X2 and X-Men: The Last Stand on FilmSpot. A review of DragonBall GT and Little Britain for and Canis Canem Edit, Final Fantasy I & II Dawn Of Souls, Devil May Cry 3; Dante's Awakening and many more. So there's a lot to look forward to from me in 2007!


On another note, I finally reached Disc 2 on Final Fantasy VIII.  started again when I reached the end of Disc 1 the first time because I didn't get Carbuncle and my GFs weren't very good and I missed loads of stuff. I've just beaten NORG and entered Fisherman's Horizon. Disc 2 is a bit boring to start of with, isn't it?

Loads of running around the same looking floors in the prison, climbing and descending about 20 ladders in the underground part of Garden. And after the whole underground thing to find a lever. the chaos is the Garden is completley forgotten about, with everyone friends again.

New Profile Stuff! Banner Maker Person wanted!

I've nearly finished fiddling around with my GameSpor profile. I've got my Wish List set for the rest of the year and my profile picture, blog header and user avatar have all been changed. All I need know is a new banner? Anyone good at making them, if so, send me a PM or comment or I'll get back to you with the details.

After I've finished typing this, I'm off to do my profile and possibly my FilmSpot one too. Heck, maybe my profile may be updated this year. Anyway, couple of random stuff.

-I FINALLY got DragonBall Z Budokai Tenakaichi 2! But

-Both my PS2 Memory Cards are down my Nan's house, so no PS2 progress until Tuesday at the latest! BOOOOO! But (again)

-I still have my PSOne Memory Card so I'll keep my self content with Final Fantasy VIII and Crash Bandicoot games. (Or Ape Escape). And I get more time to do other stuff and write more reviews and forum posts!

-To UK residents: Anyone of you see the finale of Torchwood, the BBC's spin-off of Doctor Who? God, it blew me away! So I'm off the Torchwood message boards on

-School resumes Tuesday, and I'm sure I have Homework to do, but I can't remember what...

So, expect to see new reviews and other updates over the new year. So until then!

Christmas and New Year Goings-On

First off: Happy Christmas to everyone, hope you all enjoyed yourself and are looking forward to the New Year.

Where to start, I only has two games for Christmas, LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and Canis Canem Edit but with the money I've got I can buy DragonBall Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2. I've played Tenkaichi 2 (my cousins copy) but I haven't started LEGO Star Wars II yet.

The Crash Bandicoot games I bought (Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back and Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped!) arrived as well, so I've got a lot of PlayStation fun ahead!

I got quite a lot of DVDs, like Doctor Who Series Two Box Set, Star Wars Epsiodes I and II (completing my Star Wars collection), Little Britain Series 3 (completing my Little Britain collection) and High School Musical.

So my Now Playing List is being changed about, I'm still playing Final Fantasy VIII, nearing the end of Disc One, seeing my cousin play the end of Disc Two made me want to play. I'm playing Crash Bandicoot 2 and 3 simultaneously as well as Canis Canem Edit. I've done almost everything on Final Fantasy IX, except get all the cards (yawn) and Dragon Quest has been forgotten so those two are out of my list.

Also expect to see a new blog banner, new avatar and possibly a new banner. I'll be reviewing High school Musical, both Pirates Of The Carribean movies, possibly Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy VIII, definatly Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped and the christmas specials of Little Britain, Doctor Who and The Vicar Of Dibley. Isn't Britain the best for XMas/New Year TV? Obviously.

My final set of reviews: Final Fantasy, more Final Fantasy, Star Wars and X-Men!

Well, twelve reviews have been written and now I'm finally finished. So without futher ado, lets roll on.

LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game

"Purposley labelled as a kids game, LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game is fun for the family, but overall it's not brilliant." Nirvana Phoenix rating: 7.6 (good)

"Star Wars games have always been a bit of a mixed bag, while not as good as the Star Wars Battlefront or Star Wars Empires series', LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game is one of the better Star Wars, LEGO and kids games out on the market..." Continue >>

X-Men Legends

"An interesting action game with well pulled off RPG elements that is the first game worthy to feature the mighty X-Men." Nirvana Phoenix rating 8 (great)

Apologies for the blurry cover, will find a better one when I can be bothered.

"X-Men Legends is a brilliant X-Men game, and a great game altogether because it provides excellent fan service and delivers an well pulled off blend of action and RPG" Continue >>

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

"While not as plot-heavy as other FF titles, Tactics Advance delivers great combat, a good job system and lots of quests." Nirvana Phoenix rating: 8.6 (great)

"What it lacks in presentation, FFTA makes up for in gameplay and sidequests and RPG fans will have great fun with this game" Continue >>

Final Fantasy VII

"This game is great in all areas, epsecially in music, story and gameplay. Do yourself a favour and buy this classic now!" Nirvana Phoenix rating: 9.6 (superb)

"The first 3D Final Fanatsy and was groundbreaking in so many ways and famous for its story. The title still holds up today.." Continue >>

Well, there you have it, Nirvana Phoenix's twelve reviews of Christmas. Make sure to leave feedback in the comments for the blog posts and recommend (or not recommend) the reviews I spent so long writing. And one last thing, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Four more reviews: More Crash, Kingdom Hearts, Dynasty Warriors and more DBZ!

It never gets boring, writing reviews for games. OK, how sad does that sound? But its fun getting my opinion off of my chest and I'm 2/3s of the way through my 12 Reviews of Christmas.

So, without further ado, let's go!

Crash Twinsanity

"A return to form for the loveable Bandicoot, and with enough changes to the gameplay to keep Crash Twinsanity fresh" Nirvana Phoenix rating: 8.2 (great)

"Crash Bandicoot games haven't lived up to the standards as of late. The series started going downhill after The Wrath Of Cortex. Now Travellers Tales have taken over, and while the gameplay has improved, fan service, plots and voice actors have strayed from what they used to be" Continue>>>

Kingdom Hearts

"Kingdom Hearts is so much more than a game with Disney and Final Fantasy characters and ranks up with best games ever." Nirvana Phoenix rating: 8.9 (great)

 For some reason, as many times as I put the score at 9.0, my intended score, GameSpot keep saying I gave it 8.9 for some reason

"Kingdom Hearts is the result of incredible work and effort from Square and Disney and is much more than a game with characters from both franchises thrown in..." Continue>>>

DragonBall Z Budokai 3

"Due to an easy yet complex fighting system, faithfulness, amazing graphics & sound, Budokai 3 is the best DBZ game ever!" Nirvana Phoenix rating: 8.2 (great)

The final cover for the UK release had Goku facing the other way and his hand not covering the logo, but this is close.

"Due to amazing presentation in both sound and graphics, as well as it's faithfulness to the series with attacks and story, fun 1 and 2 player mode, easy yet hard battle system and incredible replay value, DragonBall Z Budokai 3 is the best DragonBall Z game ever!" Continue>>>

Dynasty Warriors 5

"Despite having totally unoriginal gameplay, Dynasty Warriors 5 is still a fun game to play and of the better DW games." Nirvana Phoenix rating: 7.3 (good)

At the moment, this is the biggest image I can find, I'll update later.

"Officially, this is the fifth the game in the Dynasty Warriors series. Counting all the Empires and Xtreme Legends titles, this is probably the eight. As you probably guessed, Dynasty Warriors 5 features the same square button mashing hack and slash chinese action from before. Not to say this is bad though..." Continue>>>

My first four reviews: DragonBall Z, Digimon, Final Fantasy VII and Crash

Being the season of good will I decided to contribute to the community (and increase my GameSpot level) with my 12 reviews of Christmas. So far, I've done four, and in the first of my three blog posts with links, cover art and snippets from the reviews. So first on my list

Digimon Rumble Arena 2

"While mostly for fans of the series, a few goes on this with 2 or more players can have you and your friends hooked" Nirvana Phoenix rating: 6.6 (fair)

"Digimon Rumble Arena 2, doesn't make the best use of the power of the PlayStation 2 (or GameCube or X Box, for that matter) but keeps the same premise of having simple controls but being so addictive, especially with multiplayer..." Continue>>

DragonBall Z Budokai Tenkaichi

"DragonBall Z has great potential and ideas, yet doesn't manage to pull them off. Good fun for DBZ fans." Nirvana Phoenix rating: 7.2 (good)

"After the sucess off the DragonBall Z Trilogy of games, ending with the incredible DragonBall Z Budokai 3, you'd think ATARI would stick to their winning formula with this years DragonBall Budokai Tenkaichi. You couldn't be more wrong..." Continue>>

Crash Tag Team Racing

"Great fun to play, with plenty to do and find. CTTR appeals to everyone but doesn't deliver a whole lot of fan service." Nirvana Phoenix rating: 7.3 (good)

"CTTR is a great game to play, for 1 Player there are die-o-ramas to unlock, huge themed areas to explore and stuff to unlock. For 2 Players there are battle arenas, time trials and run and gun missions galore..." Continue>>


"A nice concept with great cinematics. Overall the gameplay and effort are unfortunatley lacking and decent at best." Nirvana Phoenix rating: 6.8 (fair)

"DIRGE Of CERBERUS allows you to don the cape of Vincent, wield powerful weapons such as Cerberus and Death Penalty, and use Limit Breaks to become Galian Beast and Chaos, the unstoppable entities with kick-ass powers.

That little self made blurb makes the game sound more interesting than it is..."


[COLOR=red]Later on I'll post links to a larger image of the games front covers[/COLOR]

That's all for now, I guess I should tick those four of my list of twelve. So with only eight games left to review before Christmas Eve, I'd better get typing!

Nirvana Phoenix's Twelve Reviews Of Christmas!

Well, it's that time of year again and in that spirit of the yuletide season I've changed my blog banner to a festive DragonBall Z group pic. And that's not all, from the 12th of December I'll be reviewing a different game everyday until Christmas Eve!

Here are (in no particular order) the games I'll be reviewing up until December 24th:

DragonBall Z Budokai Tenkaichi (Re-Review)

Crash Twinsanity

Digimon Rumble Arena 2

DragonBall Z Budokai 3 (Re-Review)

LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game


Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Crash Tag Team Racing

Dynasty Warriors 5

Kingdom Hearts

X-Men Legends

Final Fantasy VII

Okay I realise some of these are pretty old games, but in my eyes, they are classics. And I want to review a few more of my games anyway and decided it might as well be now. I'll also put up a review of either Casino Royale or Eragon, whichever film I go see on my School Yule trip. Personally, I'd rather see Casino Royale.

Lots of little things in one Blog

First of all, Ho Ho Ho! Christmas is on its way and hope you all have a great time with friends and family over the holidays! Here are a couple of little snippets from the last few weeks.

-I finally unlocked The Hades Paradox Cup, but having to beat Cloud and Leon in 20 seconds is no fun, guess I need to level up.

-I've collected all the Chocobo treaures except for the Disc 4 Ultimate Weapon treasure, done the Friendly Monsters and Ragtime Mouse quests and other stuff on Final Fantasy IX. But now I have to keep AP Training my Dagger and Eiko before I head off to Ispen's Castle. OK, I don't have to but I want to, this'll be my first playthrough of FFIX where I didn't leave AP training till the end of Disc 4.

-Borat Cultural Findings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Country Nation of Khazisktan or whatever it's called; was pure brilliance. The naked man fight was wrong but hilarious! I recommend it to anyone who isn't Cloured or Jewish! It's like Little Britain on the big screen, and now everyone wants to sue Borat! Oh well.

-I might as well post my Christmas list:

Star Wars Episode I and Episode II on DVD (The only ones I haven't got)

Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Canis Canem Edit for PS2.

High School Musical on DVD! I love that film!

Doctor Who Series Two Box Set and some X-Treme X-Men Graphic Novels.

Okay, so there's a couple more things than that but that's the top of my list.

-Be sure to read my brand new Final Fantasy X reviews, I'll promise I'll do more reviews such as; Kingdom Hearts, Dirge Of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII - , Dynasty Warriors 5 and Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends and some Crash Bandicoot and Digimon games.

-There's a couple more things I wanted to add but have slipped my mind. I'll add them later, so until next time see ya!

My Big Blog Post! (When I say big I mean, bigger than the more recent ones)

               Where do I start? Well I guess I can start by saying how

            EASY DIRGE Of CERBERUS Final Fantasy VII is. I received

            the game on its release date, Friday from Amazon at a cheap

            as chips price and completed it on Sunday. Nice game I guess

           but I say Square Enix could've done better. There are the bonus

           Missions to do as well though. 46, that's longer than the story!

Most importantly, the music videos I helped create during the Summer Holidays at this Merthyr (the town where I live) Media Project were shown at the Cardiff (main city of Wales) Film Festival. The videos turned out really nicely, the editing was great and the Audio/Video quality was superb! Plus the Music was all from unsigned South Wales bands!

It couldn't get much better than that, I though, but then a Documentary nastily entitled ASBOland (which is way off because hardly anyone in Merthyr has an ASBO)  which showed our groups life stories and ambitions and everything was shown. It was all really well acted and everyone had a great time watching it and making it. Plus, working with Hollywood director Karl Francis (don't worry if you've never heard of him!) has given many of us the opportunity to star in real films! This is so exiciting. I've got the Vids on DVD but I doubt I'll upload them onto the internet but that may be on the Merthyr Media Projects website eventually.

Ummmm, anything else??? Well I keep missing out on winning bids on eBay because I keep watching classic episodes of X-Men on YouTube! That's two Final Fantasy IV Advance, one Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition, one Canis Canem Edit and 4 Final Fantasy IX and X black label editions. Darn it! Why can't they put it on DVD (legally)?