Well, I've settled back into School and the routine of waking up before midday (I HATE it!) and over the next few weeks and over the course of 2007 (gotta get used to doing that) I'll be doing loads more reviews, in January you can expect reviews for:
DragonBall Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2, Final Fantasy VIII and LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, as well as TV.com reviews for Doctor Who (New Series) with an Amazon.co.uk review of the Series 2 Box Set, Torchwood and High School Musical.
Speaking of that, I'll be doing a review of the High School Musical soundtrack on MP3.com (my first update for that site, apart from changing my user image to Gonzo of Muppet fame) as well as reviews for both Pirates of The Carribean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl and possibly either Casino Royale or X-Men.
Later in the year, I'll do a review for Pirates Of The Carribean: Dead Man's Chest as well as all six Star Wars films, X2 and X-Men: The Last Stand on FilmSpot. A review of DragonBall GT and Little Britain for TV.com and Canis Canem Edit, Final Fantasy I & II Dawn Of Souls, Devil May Cry 3; Dante's Awakening and many more. So there's a lot to look forward to from me in 2007!
On another note, I finally reached Disc 2 on Final Fantasy VIII. started again when I reached the end of Disc 1 the first time because I didn't get Carbuncle and my GFs weren't very good and I missed loads of stuff. I've just beaten NORG and entered Fisherman's Horizon. Disc 2 is a bit boring to start of with, isn't it?
Loads of running around the same looking floors in the prison, climbing and descending about 20 ladders in the underground part of Garden. And after the whole underground thing to find a lever. the chaos is the Garden is completley forgotten about, with everyone friends again.
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