[QUOTE="glitch2424"]The Wii outsolde the PS3 in a two to one ratio, eh? Well, that's logical, cause the PS3 is twice as much as the Wii. So, if you take the systems' value into consideration, the PS3 is selling as much as the Wii. :wink:Shadow338
rolf nice try, whatever helps you sleep at night. You people are just as bad as Sony, denying the fact that it didn't sell as good as expected. I could understand if you're saying that the PS3 is making as much of a profit as a Wii(sure in hell not).
As much as I like PlayStation, I really wasn't impressed. The people at Sony are the ones making their product look bad "rumble is last-gen" lmao. Flame me all you want, Nintendo has been dogged out for years now, doubt most of you were sticking up for them(like I know you wouldn't). So don't cry fanboys the PS3's potential will really shine soon....hopfully anyway
yea i know but its in this board that wat im saying is happening
dude they bash the 360 in the PS3 forum all the time, I dont hear you complaining... I have both the 360 and the PS3 and I dont really care who bashes who.
You forgot MGS which is a great stealth game. And Socom is a great tatical shooter, and Ratchet and Clank and Jak are like some of the best platformers.G-Legend
...Sony has nothing to do with MGS. It is not a first party title.
Me, I love Dead Rising but have major beef with it not being split screen. That game would be pure mayhem if it did. What are some games you guys think would benefit from it?
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