nish14's forum posts
[QUOTE="nish14"]it has to deserve a 9 in order to get a 9. jus becuase the game looks good now, doesnt mean anythin...look at motorstorm alot of ppl said the exact same thing...rogerjakMotorstorm got an 8.9 in IGN. Is that a bad score?
This game is looking pretty prommising, but I can't predict a score because I know little about the game.
[QUOTE="Gzus666"][QUOTE="pimperjones"][QUOTE="ColoradoKindBud"][QUOTE="pimperjones"][QUOTE="ColoradoKindBud"]Still doesn't explain the creakingIt's not as fragile as it seems. I thought the same thing at first, but I've hammered on the SIXAXIS like crazy & it hasn't broke or crumbled into pieces or anything. It's not cheap, it's just lighter because it has no rumble in it.
Mine "creaks" too & I've never dropped it, it's just built like that. Like I said, it would not be easy to break this controller, it just feels light because it doesn't have the rumble component in it.
So yours also creaks right, do you see something wrong when a first party official controller creaks when you hold it too tight? Didn't any of the tester notice that the damn controller creaks before releasing it. its plastic, if you squeeze/twist it, it will make noise. jump in any vehicle that has 2 pieces of plastic together, dont care if its a nice one or not(i worked for lexus, toyota and volvo for years) it will squeak, even in $80,000 cars.Exactly, and I'll even go so far as to say the outer casing is of better quality of the PS2 controller, possibly. I chucked by controller as hard as I could after some frustrating VF 5 (I only did this because I have two), and it didn't completely break apart into two pieces, it majorly cracked. I threw a dualshock2 at about the same strength against the same floor several months ago, and I'm still finding pieces of the casing. Also, that is probably partially due to the added weight of the controller's internal parts.
u slammed ur controller becuase u know u have another one?? thats jus retarted.
1. Twisted Metal
2. God of War
3. GT
4. MGS4
5. all FFs
...lucky for me a PS3Â tho.
how mamy of us think were as smart or smater than the ps3?shuriken_ninja
wow this is the dumbest question to date...
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