nish14's forum posts
Yeah I am a little upset, although I do like the new triggers and the analog sticks have more control, the PS button is great (could be better with new features and firmware updates) and the controller is good with it's weight I like it better lightweight, but one thing that the PS3 controller lacks is ergonomic feel and Sony was going to fix that with the boomerang but people had to moan and whine...
that design was absolute garbage. i am disapointed they didnt redesign it, but if that was the controller...i wouldnt have picked up a ps3.
I REALLY really REALLY don't mean to hype.. but lets face it. Some hyping could do the PS3 some real good.none u fanboy, take this to system wars.
What game, in your humble opion (IYHO or IMHO--not that this does NOT stand for I'm Homo could altogether topple the 360 ?
Choices could include:
MGS4 ^_______________________________^
Final Fantasy 13 ^_^
Lair ^-^
WarHawk *o*
Oblivion *-*
The Getaway 2 *o*
Tekken 6 ^-^
MGS4 Online *-^
than what is best game?erbo31
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the N64.
i remember when i first started to play friend brought his super nes or something to my house and we played mario. i had a lot of fun and begged my parents to buy me a system, so they bought me the N64 + zelda and starfox. I've been a gamer addict since im getting horrible grades and school and im always tired...i wish i never played games....i try to quit but i just cant. GAMES ARE NOT GOOD FOR YOU
wow man, ur sad...
[QUOTE="nish14"]why do u feel u have to impress him so much? dont go outta ur way, this seems so pointless.GloverDI wanna because its 3 in the morning im bored as could say sleep but i already tried and i just cant sleep.. and i wanna show him that PS3 is amazing
lol aite, well if he aint impressed by what u showed him then i guess hes not into gaming or hes type of game hasnt come out yet..
Well, you seem like a Sony fanboy whose mind is already made. IMO you can go to a friends to play Halo3, 400 for 1 game isn't worth it. PS: I have both consoles, and i'm looking forward to many games on both. Try to open your mind and enjoy both consoles.gp19
...what he said.
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