I know these titles have also been seen on the PS2 but... TWISTED METALLLL and Street Fighter.
nish14's forum posts
[QUOTE="joshpetty"]DMC4 hasn't come out yet...but I can tell you how Oblivion on PS3 is if you like. It's a MASSIVE improvment over the previous version is all respects. Loading is more a phase than a screen. The improved draw distance is amazing oh and a lack of muddy textures and a very smooth framerate that never drops is quite the experience aswell. Now as you were saying? Because if this game is any indicator of how mulitplatform games will look on PS3 I'm far from needing a reason to be glad I own this system.Nice attempt at making yourself feel better about buying a ps3. I do agree that talk of people selling there ps3's over todays news is rediculous though, last week everyone was rejoicing over home and biglittleplanet, funny how the mood changes. Personally im waiting and not rushing out and buying a ps3 at launch, ive got god of war 2 and stalker to look forward to soon. Ill sit back and watch how the ps3 does for abit.
yea and I guess the fact that they had a year to polish it up had nothing to do with it?
[QUOTE="ginraisama"]chill out, i've got 4 letters for you all H O M Ekakashi_00x000
and I've got 15 letters:
l i t t l e b i g p l a n e t
and i have 3 letters for the both of you:
as in WTF does that mean? HOME nor little big planet is gonna save sony! u need to have a broad user base for these to be a major success, and without major exclusives, there WONT be a huge user base cuz no ones gonna want to pick up a ps3. sony needs to secure exclusives and keep them just that...EXCLUSIVE.
Disapointed? Hell no!!!! First unreal 3, now Devil may Cry 4??? Drag Snakes ass on over 2 the darkside (360) and i aint even gotta worry bout slinging $600 at Sony.
They got Ninja Gaiden 3 1st, so screw em!!!
Sigma is just a remake of the one for xbox. Number 2 will be released on the 360, maybe the PS3.
[QUOTE="Hulabaloza"][QUOTE="JudgementEden"][QUOTE="Hulabaloza"]THey didn't trust Dragon Quest to the PS3 in Japan. Why would they trust the series popular in the USA, Final Fantasy, to the PS3, when there is an alternative with a bigger installled base? Final Fantasy is going multiplatform.JudgementEden
Square has more dignity than Capcom, it will never happen i gaurantee you.
Yeah, cause they are about fanboy dignity rather than corporate profits. Sure.Your an idiot if you think Square will back out of what they say. They will make games for the 360 but it wont be the main series. Yeah they want money but like what alot of other people say they will lose more than they make.
Now how about you quit trolling and get off
If they make FF from the ground up on the 360 THEN they would be losing money. BUT if its a port, then they will be making money so your argument doesnt make sense. and like ppl are saying, they are "hoping" its gonna be PORTED to the 360. Make sense to do it.
[QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="G-Legend"]IF CAPCOM DOES THIS THEY'RE DEAD TO ME AND I WILL NOT PURCHASE ANOTHER CAPCOM GAME AGAIN YOU DON'T F8CK AROUND LIKE THAT SAY ONE THING TO ME AND THEN GO AND DO ANOTHER.Pablo620I agree if this happens i wont buy dmc4 because it will just be wtered down crap that doesnt take advantage of the hardware im with you guys. I will feel betrayed
Microsoft said they didnt need 1080p games, Sony claimed rumble was a thing of the past....GET USE TO IT.
I don't know what's come of Capcom. I started to seriosuly question them with Dead Rising and Lost Planet. If they follow through on this I'll have doubts about future quality content coming from their camp.emitsu97
wow, jus becasue they port a game?
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