nish14's forum posts
I've never encountered any store employee that said anything like that. I pretty much go in and ask for what I want and they give it to me. If they don't have it I go someplace else.
I don't get it. If you guys hate these places so much, why do you go?
yea same...and I dont know why so many of these threads pop up. either retailers really hate the ps3, or some (not all) of these stories are fabricated, Im leaning a bit towards the 2nd, cuz I never encountered anything like this, nor heard of it by word of mouth, only forums like this.
this game looks alright but I didn't really get the demo so could people persuade to think its a cooler game and that I should buy it.
if u dont like it then leave it alone. y do u think u have to want to buy it? if u dont like it then let it be at that, dont try to get ppl to persuade u. this thread is useless.Â
just curious but when exactly was the last time a 360 game got a score above a 9? i'm asking, i haven't looked it up myself. rainbow six vegas perhaps? i'm not sure, but what i do know is that this whole bias talk is getting old real quick. ur acting like if these games were released on the 360 they'd win awards and editorial picks of the month automatically when the fact is that lost planet and crackdown, 2 very hyped games for the 360 both didn't live up to expectations from a review standpoint. but that doesn't mean they're failures and no one plays them. i get the fact that a lot of u are dying to see a game like god of war II hit the PS3 and be a huge smash hit and become a system seller - heavenly sword is the first real game that's almost got me contemplating getting a PS3 further down the road. but seriously - give it time. i shouldn't even have to say that, since unless they completely screw something up, oblivion will likely score a 9.5 or what ever since it really is a must have game. and i realize that it's already on the pc and the 360 so people will excuse it since they've been playing it for over a year but come on. every single game realized on any system isn't going to be a bonafide hit, so stop taking out all ur frusteration on gamespot and calling them bias over and over again.phantas777
well said.
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