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#1 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

Don't u think that Sixaxis CAN rumble even now but this function is off?Platin_ghost

LMAO hahaha, funny man...funny.

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#2 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

I think they should. I have so much fun playing games online that I wouldn't even dream of playing single player games ever again. I mean real people are so much more challanging than AI. Even with all the technology, AI can never compare to human intelligence.

I wouldn't care if all games were online only cause I will never play a single player game ever again. Too boring imo


yes multiplayer games are fun and there should be more of them, but knockin single player games like that isnt right. some of the best games are single player...all the RPGs (FFs), Ninja Gaiden, RE series....ZELDA, Mario, God of War...dude if u never play a single player game again, I feel sorry for u.

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#3 nish14
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Now personally, I think the 360 really needs to get two of its biggest franchises sequels: KOTOR and Ninja Gaiden. I know Mass Effect is in KOTOR's same vein, but Ninja Gaiden was in the top 5 Xbox games, yet Team Ninja decides to make a remake for PS3!? Now I would really love Metal Gear Solid 4 but I know to be realistic. Basically, what unannounced games would you love to see, or what old franchises would you like to see revitalized (and for the hardcore gamers, how about a new Landstalker, THE Zelda-killer). KniferHitandRun

There is no such thing a Zelda killer. Never will be. And (even though it will NEVER happen) Id like to see the Twisted Metal series on 360 (even tho I have PS3...this system needs a good car combat game), and also a new Street Fighter, Fight Night R4 with vision cam, and Dead Rising 2 with split screen co-op.

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#4 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

is the title of this article


Your topic is a bit misleading.

"Sony Computer Entertainment Studios employs some 2,200 developers across 14 different studios… it has more programmers, artists, audio technicians and designers than Microsoft and Nintendo combined."

You should have said that Sony has more developers than Microsoft and Nintendo combined. Just wanted to point that out.

I agree, this really doesnt mean much at all. The games speak for themselves. Sony does have pretty solid first party games, but overall I think Nintendo takes it.

That's your opinion and a question about taste. When not being nostalgic I'd say the 1'st party Nintendo titles weren't very good last gen compared to Sony's 1'st party titles.

Last gen I'd say they were pretty even, if not Nintendo still on top. But even so, I did say overall, cuz they make quality games that are consistent.

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#5 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts
FINALLY this is what the PS3 needs. Best news Sony has had since launch.
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#6 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

is the title of this article


Your topic is a bit misleading.

"Sony Computer Entertainment Studios employs some 2,200 developers across 14 different studios… it has more programmers, artists, audio technicians and designers than Microsoft and Nintendo combined."

You should have said that Sony has more developers than Microsoft and Nintendo combined. Just wanted to point that out.

I agree, this really doesnt mean much at all. The games speak for themselves. Sony does have pretty solid first party games, but overall I think Nintendo takes it.

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#7 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts
yea man, PS3 isnt scarce at all... no need to rush.
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#8 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

save your moneypauliewalnuts12


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#9 nish14
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Nintendo. no I am not a fanboy, Im jus saying their first party titles are amazing.
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#10 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

[QUOTE="RaptorVenom"][QUOTE="Gzus666"][QUOTE="RaptorVenom"][QUOTE="Gzus666"][QUOTE="RaptorVenom"][QUOTE="demoman314"]Dont you just love the XMB i love it so much. i have each section filled up. i have pictures, music(like 800 songs), videos(lots of music videos and Jim gafffigan). And i also have games and friends. its great is'nt it!azuroc

In a word. NO!

care to elaborate? seems like you hate it just to hate it, but there is nothing wrong with it, it performs its function, whats to complain about?

I will elaborate. It was a simple answer & it was no. Nothing more or less to it. Q: Do I love the XMB. A: No. Not impressed. Why does it have to be any more than that. It is what it is, I don't think it's that great. As for "it performs it's function", so does the web browser & I think it sucks. That's how I feel about it, it doesn't affect you, the thread is about peoples personal feelings about something, I gave mine & you will give yours. As far as complaining, I never stated a complaint, just said I didn't like it. Never said it wasn't good, just that I didn't like it. Most people here will say they like everything about it cuz "It's the PS3", however, I can say objectively how I really feel. Of course this always ends up in my being called, Troll, 360 Fanboy, XBot etc... So be it, not my fault majority of PS3 owners can't take criticism.

so, because you dont like the internet browser, thats why it sucks? i have a computer, how about you? i see no reason to surf the net with my ps3, its not great because "its PS3", it works, it plays games, it plays media, its really simple. im not comparing it to any other, just stating what functions well on it, and yes, you do technically have to have a reason to hate something, or you technically cant hate it. sounds like your going out of your way to hate it for some reason. seems like the way of the world anymore, criticize anything no matter what it is, i doubt your a fanboy, just a negative person. glass always halfway empty for some people

Apparently you weren't paying attention. I don't like it cuz I think it sucks, I simply added the fact that didn't like the web browser either, one has nothing to do with the other. If you were paying attention, you would see that I stated above that I wasn't saying it wasn't good, just that I didn't like it. A standard TV performs it's function, doesn't stop people from wanting HDTV. Why would I have to go out of my way to hate it, would serve no purpose to me. As I said "it's the PS3" is exactly what's going on here, you can't accept the fact that I don't like it just because "it's the PS3" It doesn't affect you or anyone else that I don't like it so chill, it's all good. I know there are others who would back me up this. I don't get it, I admit I love the 360, doesn't bother me one bit if you were to say "I hate the media blades on 360" Not my problem, if you don't like it, you don't like it, I can accept that & respect your oppinion, why is that so hard for people to do?

LOL leave this guy alone, he didn't do anything wrong. RaptorVenom, why ppl are questioning ur opinion is because you're not "elaborating"'re going WAY off topic (lol) by getting into morals and freedoms and such. So far, you just said it sucked, and left it at that. :? There's always a reason behind everything, reason behind opinion. You're not saying the reason to yours...Do you hate the simplicity of the XMB? Do you hate that it's sorta bare bones right now? Lol explain man, explain! Can't be that hard...unless u really are an xbot, or just some kid trying to get attention by making big speeches in the form of paragraphs. jk :wink:

Just so you know, only one person has really said anything about my answer, & he just attacked you for your post. Now you can see what i'm dealing with. There is simply no reasoning with this one. And yes, I would say i don't care for it because I find it unappealing, boring, just dull. It works well, I just don't care for it. I only brought up the other things to make a point, which apparently went right over his head somehow.

raptorvenom, you are right, your opinion is your own. However, you let him get the best of you, which was not a good thing either. You should have just left it with one post, or given the reason, and never mentioned the "being accused for trolling for stating your opinion" thing. In any case, your post was for the sole purpose to get someone to overreact like that. If it was for the sole purpose of stating your opinion, you would have never blown his response out of proportion.

Let's get back to the topic at hand.

The XMB is a very quick and easy way to organize the PS3 at this point. I am a little concerned when some of the elements start filling up in the future (such as the photos or music), especially if I upgrade the HDD. There's no organization for it yet, of course this can be changed in the future.

I like the internet browser, I use it quite a bit for videos and FAQs for games. It's not as great as a computer browser, but it serves its function. It's also a lot more responsive than the Wii's.

in EVERYONES defence:

-if I were to jus say "yes" and leave it at that, no one would question me or ask me if I care to explain. HOWEVER..

-the way raptorvenom said no (in caps) made ppl think that he hated it, so they are jus wondering why.

me personally, I would have thought it was amazing, had I not seen it b4.