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#1 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts
Gears of War. Its an amazing game, but now its old AND also the fact that everyone keeps posting about it like its gods gift to earth. I mean once in a while its ok to talk about, but there are soo many threads, new ones popping up all the time... Its a game, the hype is over so jus shut up about it!
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#2 nish14
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question is dumb as hell, but I dont think he was serious, I jus think he wanted to start a hot thread and get the best of everyone...well so far its workin.
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#3 nish14
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[QUOTE="triplebogey2004"]PS3 is the best I just got mine 2 days ago and only have one game COD3 and I already know it is the bestTheSystemLord1


hahaha god I live for statements like these.

 Not even playing the systems main exclusives and you are claiming it to be the best.

LOL HAHA... oo man too funny. I guess he forgot to overlook the fact that it looks better and runs smoother on the 360. now dont get me wrong I have both systems, but I just have to jump all over fanboys who neglect the truth. 

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#4 nish14
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     I wish I could say it was but then I'd be lying. Don't get me wrong, I loved PS2 like my own child but I picked up a 360 because they'd gone down in price. Now I picked up my PS3 and, well, to be honest I'm really disappointed. Theres almost no exclusives on PS3 and there aren't any major ones coming in the future except for MSG, and the games that was multiplatform for whatever reason play smoother and look better on the 360. Again, I only picked up a 360 to play Oblivian and now, well, my PS3 isn't doing much since I'd rather play the same games on the 360. I really hope Sony gets its act together because so far I haven't been shown why I paid so much for a black box. Hopefully Home will be good, but to be honest I'm disappointed that Sony can't think of anything new and instead brings out trophies and home, blatant copies of 360 achievements and the wii's mii. I'm sure someone is going to get their panties in a bunch and say that Sony will do it better.....they should, they're copying someone elses idea, at the very least they should improve on it.

     On a side note, I find it ironic that all those people who used to bash the original XBOX for being so big are now saying how great it is that the PS3 is big, how can you think people will take you seriously when contradict yourselves?

     Well, thats it, throw your stones at me, but ask yourselves, are you really happy or are you just trying to keep up face when Sony is just not delivering? At least I can be honest with everyone, I loved the PS2, it was a 100 times better than the xbox, but Sony is just not delivering like it did before. How many exclusives have we lost? To be honest I blame all you fanboys who praise Sony no matter what garbage they put out. Why should they make good games and exclusives when you'll smile and wag your tails like good dogs no matter what they do?



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#5 nish14
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wait until they release a new controller with it...thats what I shoulda done.
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#6 nish14
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[QUOTE="xXSecksXx"]Nope, Microsoft fanboys are. Have you seen them ? everytime game spot posts something that talks about the ps3, 360 fanboys jump in and flame something that is completely irrelevant to their console. They think their the best cause bill gates is rich, and that 360 has a 1 year head start. Seriously, I can't stand microsoft fanboys their so confident that their gonna win. The news where sony gave out bravia TV's . well some microsoft fanboy said sony gave them TV's cause they were really really desperate for sales. The truth is, it's a sign of good will and a reward to people that have been waiting forever for the console. I can't stand microsoft fanboy's and their anti-sony. If PS3 came out first, Microsoft's 360 would look bad. leebec
Oh for God Sake. Grow up. The thread was meant to be a discussion about how you feel Sony is regarding its customers. Spliffchillum provided quite a balanced respose I thought. I am no-one's fanboy, but surely that does not excuse Sony's MD for some of his comments.

LOL haha, ye man I agree.

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#7 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

if u watch the video review it clearly states the reason y its better on the 360. acheivements and online. thats somethin thats a step up from the ps3. and o yea ur prolly gonna get locked by mods..

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#8 nish14
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i hate halo 3. everyone is scared to release any games this first half. its really boring right now online theres nothing to play.F1sTDaCuffS

how can u say its the slowest first half you've ever seen, when this is only the second "first half" of the 360s life span...wait, not even that...its the first QUARTER rite now! games are gonna come out.

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#9 nish14
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I've been slowly debating whether or not to spend my money on an X360 or PS3. I've been trying to compare the benefits of each system, especially the game lineups, but that is proving difficult, since many of the better games seem to be heading towards multi-platform releases (Oblivion, Devil May Cry 4, Assassin's Creed, Resident Evil 5 etc.).

I've got a few PS3 questions that may help me make a more informed decission, and I thank you folks ahead of time for any insights, opinions, and suggestions you feel like sharing.

1. Does anyone know for sure if the Final Fantasy games (my fave series) are going to be exclusive to PS3 or also on the X360? The main series has only one title that went muliplatform and that was FFXI. Since then it's been a big NO. Many people doubt the series will leave PS3. Konami has a habit of loyalty to Sony and gets perks from them like free ads etc etc. In short it's a safer bet to get a PS3 if this is your series...seeing as how a later release on 360 would be hardpressed to even match it.

2. Does anyone know if "Bioshock" or "Mass Effect" will be ported to the PS3? 

Yes, Bioshock is being released on PS3 after the spring exclusive deal wears off.As for Mass Effect that's a big whooping no to the best of my knowledge.

3. I've heard rumors of people having issues playing thier PS1 games on the PS3. Backwards compatability is a big PS3 selling point to me becuase I still have a significant PS1 library.  Do PS1 games play okay on the PS3?

They are indeed only that. I have had zero problem with BC as the PS3 is 97% BC so yeah...unless you have some freakishly failed game.

 Also, if you have any other insights into the advantages or disadvantages on one system over the other, those opinions would also be welcomed. And please, it was not my intent to start a "system wars" debate, so please try to keep the conversation to helpfull suggestions and insight.

To be honest allow me to say this. If one had both consoles which game would they buy the games for? Let's say you bought a 360 and a PS3...which one would you buy Oblivion or AC4 for? How about Saints Row, Unreal 3, or GTA IV? Most likely you'd buy them for the PS3 as they would look better and still have online support. (I played BOTH versions of Oblivion and AC4 and yeah...they were both better on PS3) Also man, PS3 has a better future and not too many ppl deny it. Names like MGS4, Heavenly Sword, Lair, BOTH FF XIII games, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, and all the other games coming most ppl crack jokes about the games being "in the future" but as an advid gamer I can tell ya the last one to the party tends to be the one who takes the cake.

Thanks again, TKF 


what does konami have to do with FF series??...and konami already has PES winning eleven already out on the 360...what are u talkin about?

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#10 nish14
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Why, you ask?

Because, nowadays, developers are using the same excuse, "not a big fan install base." That's thier reason for going Multiplatform, which I'm not always for.

It's like they don't even have faith in their own game that they created.

For Example, Halo 3, it doesnt need be on Wii or Ps3, cause it'll be very sucessful on the X console.  Super Mario Galaxy will be sucessful as well, because Mario is a household name, which only one console suits him.

Just as MGS4 will be a smashing Sucess when its release only on the Ps3 since we know that Kojima always gives us quality games.

I say the Developers whom have Faith on their game, making them exclusive to a console, deserves some respect.

That's why I stuck with Sony, they have many exclusives worth spending $600 for, even the games aren't out now.


games that go multi-platform ARENT FIRST PARTY GAMES!...that voids ur whole argument.