Ocarina of Time (i kno it wont happen)..Chrono Trigger definitley should be remade tho.
nish14's forum posts
Actually we've seen this before. I thought it was an actual legitimate confirmation. This is the crap that was going around earlier. Yeah, though, it's pretty conclusive.Redfingers
yea we have seen this. and it is pretty much confirmed as an exclusive, but someone brought up an interesting post in another thread, saying that yes the ps3 is the movie experience, but where do movies go after a while in the theatres?...they go to dvd. therefore this might imply that mgs4 is time exclusive...i dont think so but its a pretty good argument as kojima doesnt seem to answer the question straight up. ill only belive its trully an exclusive once those words come out of his mouth.
Bam Butch, what are you smoking PS3 has more exclusives than Metal Gear 4 and Final Fantasy 13. It has Devil May Cry 4, Heavenly Sword, Coded Arms Assault, Tekken 6, Virtua Fighter 5, 8 Days, Resistance, Killzone, and Lair. PS3 has more and better exclusives than 360, and we wont have to wait a year for them like 360 fans did. 8)gogeta242
Dude what the hell are YOU smokin? DMC4 and VF5 arent exclusive.
Why don't I like fanboys? Well most are ignorant tools! That's pretty much it for me.
I'll use everything and make my own mind up.guyhunter
yea man i agree. fanboys are just idiots, doesnt matter who u support. like the fact that u dont support the opposing system is fine, but the fact that u flame it or anyone that does, thats not cool. most fanboys will go out of their way to show their loyalty to their brand...gimme a break, thats BS. o yea, and fanboys will eat the crap that is spoon fed to them by their supporting company no matter what, and find NO faults with them what so ever...again thats BS. like microsoft saying theye didnt need 1080p and no HDMI, and sony saying rumble was a thing of the past, u have these arrogant fanboys backing them up word for word, and when they go back and change thier mind, the fanboys are behind 100%...like seriously how much do these companies pay u to be thier b!tch?.... i guess fanboys arent all that bad, cuz afterall i do need some ppl to rip and flame on these forums and mindless fanboys make prime candidates.
jus my 2 cents..
LOL, nah seriously, good one though, I know your jokin but the fact that you started such a classic thread..(y).
[QUOTE="emgesp"][QUOTE="Krigon"][QUOTE="emgesp"][QUOTE="Krigon"][QUOTE="emgesp"]Also, do not forget Sony loses at least $200 for each PS3 60G version that is sold, so yeah it is doing badly compared to the PS2. I'm pretty sure they did not lose as much money on the PS2 consoles.KrigonNot as much, but they did loose. Just recently they started to gain money for the ps2. Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft mostly gain their money back with their Games revenue and accessories. That is true, and since games matter, the fact that Sony keeps losing exclusives is the problem at hand. Loosing exclusives doesn't mean they will appear on the console. They gain money back on their own developed/published games (first party/ second party) Sony has loads of first/second party titles that are million sellers. I guess 360 hasn't lost exclusives to the ps3? If Microsoft lost any exclusives, they were not DMC/Virtua Fighter/Resident Evil big time sellers. Ninja Gaiden Sigma (After halo this game was the biggest game on the Xbox). Wasn't wardevil multiplat before it went Ps3 exclusives. Resident evil wasn't exclusive. Virtua Fighter is a great game but not a big time seller, not even close (people are to afraid of that games difficulty level for it to be big hitter). I hope DMC will be great on both and not hindered by being multiplat.
Sigma may be a PS3 exlusive, but after all it is just a remake of the game for xbox, and becuz of the BC, why release it on the 360? I may be wrong, but I highly doubt that the series will be exclusive to the PS3.
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