nnavidson's forum posts
[QUOTE="Eponique"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Zero new IP's is the real downer about that list. Soul Caliber and RE:UC inspire no confidence in me that they will be any good. Prob some more "red steel"-esque apologists showing up saying how they liked the games even if they sucked.
You got the usual Nintendo suspects. Nothing that doesn't scream "game cube" to me. I thought the Wii was supposed to be a departure from that but looking at that list its hard to think otherwise.
Not this "new IP" crap. Believe it or not - Most new IPs score like crap.
You don't want new IPs because you're afraid they'll score badly? Those games up there wouldn't have existed if someone hadn't made the IP.
That and Pikmin was a new Ip last gen, and my favorite GC series.
[QUOTE="gecko_hawaii13"][QUOTE="KirbyFan10101"]Sony's upcoming list eats that alive, i'm afraid. There are some geniune, refreshing games coming out on the PS3. What does the Wii have? Far too many samey games i've seen before. Nintendo really is the master of rehashing, even if they are an incredible first party developer.Osafune24
Old games with new names aren't genuine. What does Sony offer that we haven't seen before, except for the fact that they are much prettier?
Even though I own a PS3 also, I would love to see the Wii-bashers try and come up with an answer to this question. Any takers? :D
1. Lair is a new IP, beautiful graphics, and motion controls. How can Wii fans bash that?
2. They have a puzzle game that lets you walk a character walk through escher type pictures by rotating the image.
3. Eye of Judgement allows you to play a competitive card game with the PS3 reading the cards and animating the action to go with it.
4. The creator of Katamari is making an original IP. Assuming Katamari isn't a fluke, I'm sure the game will be innovative in some way.
5. Little Big Planet allows maximum customation and player created maps to easily be shared.
[QUOTE="nnavidson"]The problem is the GC formula didn't quite work out, did it?
When you look at notable GC games you get one of these each and they never resurfaced on the system again.
Yeah, it's easy to call games bad when you obviously haven't played them. Metroid was one of the best games of the last gen, regardless of how many people played it. Just because the GC didn't market well, it doesn't mean the games were crap, as owners of the console well know.
I never said the games were bad and I look forward to the next 1st party updates to their long standing series.
The problem is, asa Gamecube owner I don't see much coming out that's new. I'm excited about Galaxy but history tells us that we'll have to wait until the next system to get another Mario. The same with smash brother. The same with Mario Kart. The same with Strikers.
Same could be said about all the people raving about the "revolutionary" games Halo 3 or Killzone 2. Other than being much prettier, they probably won't offer much more than their forebearers. But will that make them any less great? A formula doesn't have to be new to work well.
Furthermore, regardless of what anti-Wii drones say, the new controls really add something to game, when executed right. Look at RE4 and Madden 07.
The problem is the GC formula didn't quite work out, did it?
When you look at notable GC games you get one of these each and they never resurfaced on the system again.
The attack that Nintendo's console has no games will most likely end by the end of the year. Now that the promotion phase is well underway, Nintendo can focus its might on a lineup of first party games that will release about a month apart, and for each there is cause to have considerable faith in them. Here is the rundown:
July - Super Mario Strikers Charged (30th)
August - Metroid Prime 3 (27th)
October - Battalion Wars II
Zelda (DS, but worth mentioning) (1st)
November - Fire Emblem (5th)
Super Mario Galaxy (12th)
December - Super Smash Brothers BrawlThird Party Honorable Mentions: Madden '08, RE: Umbrella Chronicles, Soul Calibur Legends
When you think about it, this is indeed a formidable list. Although each of these are not guaranteed hits, there is certainly great reason to be excited:
Super Mario Strikers - Already a big hit in Europe and Australia, this game apparently improves on all the faults of its predecessor, as well as offering online multiplayer. There's a good chance this game will be for soccer what Mario Kart is for racing.
Metroid Prime - If you're not excited about this, read IGN's preview, and you should be ready to wet yourself. With immersive and comfortable controls, this game is shaping up to be a pretty competitive shooter and platformer. Given the quality of the first two console Prime entries, I think Wii owners can expect a real treat from Retro.
Battalion Wars II - What system is better suited for a warfare strategy game of this kind? It's starting look really cool, and hopefully will live up to its portable predecessors.
Zelda (DS) - Everyone is talking about how great this one works on the DS. And since just about every Wii owner owns a DS, this is worth mentioning.
Fire Emblem - looks good for about the same reasons Battalion Wars II does.
Super Mario Galaxy - The demos make this game looks like the heir apparent to Super Mario 64, and there is good reason to believe it will live up to that challenge.
Super Smash Brother's Brawl - 'nuff said
The problem is all those games are sequels of Gamecube games. Expect another drought before the sequel to those games come out... if ever on the Wii.
[QUOTE="freshfighter83"][QUOTE="nnavidson"][QUOTE="Flexmaster_365"][QUOTE="fuzzysquash"][QUOTE="Flexmaster_365"]To answer the thread question. Gears 1 looks a lot better graphics wise.LosDaddie
...which leads me to wonder:
If Gears looks so much better than Killzone 2 already, why feel the need to keep invoking Gears 2--a nominally nonexistent game--to defend your position?
Becaise as you said this is Alpha the game will most likely look a little better by releasem and it does have Gears beat in a couple of areas. I just wanted to make it clear though that Gears is an old game and that Gears 2 will look much better.
Post an example of a sequel looking "much better" on the same platform. I want to see what kind of jump you are expecting.
Some of my thoughts. Halo 2 overall looked quite a bit better than the 1st one. PGR Series, PGR 2 was quite an improvement over the 1st one. Resident Evils on PS 1 improved massively over the 1st one as well as the Tomb Raider series. Virtue Fighter on Sega saturn compared to Virtue Fighter 2 aren't even comparable. Sonic Series on the megadrive improved dramatically.In my opinion the jump will be noticiable but I have no idea by how much.It could be heaps or it could be minimal but there will definatly be an improvement, in some rare instances sequels have looked worse but sometimes these have been intentional as the game may be more advanced in other areas.
Halo2 looked far better than Halo when it came out.
I was going to debate it, but then I realized I was wrong. Still Halo 2 didn't come out 2 years after Halo 1.
You know, any sane person would think a game with over a year of extra development (KZ2) would look better. It's a darn shame cows are not in that category
I've watched the KZ2 trailer on my PS3 at least 6 times and I've come to the conclusion that only the animations in KZ2 are superior to GEOW. Everything else, the two games are on par with each other.
Yes, but considering a video game is a moving image, I'd say animation was the most important element of graphics.
It all depends on whether or not the PS3 drops its price in time. Working at a game store, we sell more PS2 games than anything else. The majority of those people say they want a PS3 but it's too much money. They're waiting for it to come down.
The drop to $499 has a lot of them going from no way to hmmm, maybe that's not too bad.
If the PS3 gets to $399 they'll out sell the 360, even if the premium were $299, at least at my store.
With that said, the PS2 is going to run out of major new releases by the end of this year and some people will start wanting new games. If the PS3 stays at the $499 level, even with the 80 gig, and the Premium went down to $299 I could see a lot of people switching sides.
Most people haven't made the switch yet to their next gen system. Sony can definitely still come out on top, even with a margin as large as last gen, but they could blow it too.
[QUOTE="Danm_999"][QUOTE="Sully28"]Is this your first console kid(TC), because if you had one before you would know the winner is never decided this early. neverMandingo101
Actually, it kinda is historically. The PS2 took an early lead that was never taken away.
The N64 failed to knock the wind out of the PS1's sales once it was released in 1996.
When the SNES was released it knocked the Mega Drive out of the North American and Japanese markets right away.
The patterns that emerged when all consoles came on the market continued in those generations. Of course, these things aren't iron rules, anything can happen.
why do people always never mention the dreamcast and act like it never existed to make their point more valid... you do know it came out before ps2 i assume ? so ps2 was second out the gate not first...1. Magnavox Odysessy came before Atari 2600
2. Sega Genesis was before SNES.
3. Atari Jaguar and the 3DOcame before PS, Saturn and N64.
4. Saturn came out a couple of weeks before PS1
5. Dreamcast came out before PS2
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