@noandno @no_pants_4_u You see what I'm getting at here? You aren't saying anything other than just pure trolling bullshit. What I'm saying is that you bitch about things without even a notion of WHY you hate something. Do you understand what I'm saying son? I'm saying that you have no reason to be hostile in any sense, because you have no argument. It's called being illogical, look it up basement dweller.
@nameaprice No but seriously, you offered nothing in the way of an argument other than a put down. What are you trying to say other than to bash senselessly?
Aaaand here comes the legion of losers who show up on COD boards to bitch about how much they hate a game they don't play. Or secretly play, but still come on to bash it, which is even more funny. Or maybe you're here to type the obligatory "It's the same game" comment that's been rehashed about 10 trillion times and NEVER gets old. Please trolls, GTFO. Most of us are just here to see the review, not to hear about how much you hate COD, mmmkay? Thaaaanks.
@JediMasterJ42 I don't think that's what he was going for, he just said 'new toys' as in new things to use on the map, not as in "this game is for kids". Plus I'm 99% sure they didn't want to just re-use zombies again and rip off Treyarch, so they thought of a new idea instead. I say give it a shot and suspend judgment until you see the review
@brons0n Treyarch and Infinity Ward are two completely separate companies. The original creators of Modern Warfare left after Modern Warfare 2 over financial disputes, when they left they opened up a new studio and have been working on TitanFall. However, some members of the Infinity Ward team are still from the original.
@ISxITxSAFE That was a preview, they didn't show you all the guns or cool items because they want you to enjoy the game and still be surprised when you buy it...its a demo, they aren't showing you everything just yet.
@kominio Both are different takes on first person shooters, is it really fair to compare one to the other...or even necessary? I think you can enjoy both without hating on one or the other, its purely subjective anyhow
no_pants_4_u's comments