Hats off to the reviewer for being a strong and smart person in a world that is still very obviously not ready to handle sexual orientation. I think she did terrific and deserves props for stating the pros and cons of the game in a forward manner while providing evidence to back her opinion. She gave it a high score and people are STILL whining. I guess you can't please everyone, especially the ignorant.
@TimmyP777 @no_pants_4_u No. It does matter. And its not 'feminism'. The reviewer was talking about torture scenes and the game overall, not whether or not its acceptable to be male or female, as a lot of people on this board are crying about. Again, bottom line, if you honestly care what sexual orientation someone is...you have a lot to learn and need to educate yourself. And just in case you didn't know, the boogie man isn't real either.
The biggest question for a lot of people on this board, after seeing the comments regarding the reviewer's sexual orientation is: Why does it matter and why are you so offended by someone else's sexuality? If you only respect people who have the same gender identity as you...you are sorely immature and need to grow the **** up, bottom line.
@BuiltForSin @no_pants_4_u @Shulko Its called sexuality, perhaps you've heard of it. Its also called tolerance, heard of that one too? I think the bigger question for you personally is: Why are you so offended and why does it matter what the person's gender is?
@XxXDarkness0XxX Did you ever consider that they might do some DLC Vice City style for this game and give it an 80's spin? They just might, Rockstar has a history of doing things just like that. Remember the Red Dead Nightmare content for Red Dead Redemption?
@ryry2133 That's a fairly sexist statement. Just because she's a female doesn't make her a feminist. No doubt every person has their own opinion, and I'm sure there are guys out there that would be just as offended. That being said, I think its refreshing to see that they let a woman review it. For the most part, she gave it all good marks. Great job
Sweeeet! So glad to hear this game has nailed a lot of good things, the save system/checkpoints in the previous GTA games always let me down. That being said, I think we can all be grateful that this will be a solid game with a lot of content and fun options. I literally can't wait, I'm super excited!
So Rockstar, now that GTA 5 is done...are you going to start working on another Red Dead Redemption game? =)
no_pants_4_u's comments