Well I can easily see how people could be upset by the baptism scenes- I'm not religious myself, but I see baptism as a pretty powerful metaphor, like a rebirth for that person involved, though I'm waiting to see if anyone was offended by the baptism connotations at the end- *SPOILDERS*
-- where if Booker rejected his baptism he would stay as this guilt-ridden person unable to rid himself of his sins, and if accepted it then he would literally become a different person free of sin- who would later go on to commit even greater evils all in the name of his faith.
Lol, so damn funny. I agree about Elizabeth having one hell of an arm- one time she tossed me a Carbine from like fifty feet away. And other times I press the button to turn and she's standing right behind or next to me and gives me a hell of a shock. o_O
Anyways, one of my favorite vigor combos is using Shock Jockey or Devil's Kiss on an enemy, and then using Charge to create an explosion- when combined with a piece of Gear that chains the effects of vigors from enemy to enemy, it can wipe out an entire room. Then near the end I got into the habit of using Undertow to push enemies into oblivion- near the end, some of the enemies are just so heavily armoured that you can't just stand there and shoot at them- you have to either kill them quick or keep them busy somehow.
Just saw the ending myself earlier today. When it was over and the credits started to roll, I just sat there in silence for the whole credits and just let it all wash over me. The game's IGN review said there was a big twist like the 'Would You Kindly' reveal from the original Bioshock- but this ending had so damn many of them all at once. o_O
First off, going back to Rapture was such a shock- I initially thought it was Irrational just doing some massive fan service, but I gave me an idea about where the vigors came from- the vigors are essentially Infinite's version of the plasmids, so perhaps Fink peeked through a tear into Rapture in the future and got the idea to make the vigors from the plasmids he saw there? Just a thought.
One thing that confuses me a little though was when Booker's drowning Comstock on the airship near the end, he's yelling 'You cut off her finger and put it on me!' When I first heard that I assumed it meant that Booker was a creation of the siphon machine as well using Elizabeth's finger (much like how Eve was created from Adam's rib) that the Lutece's created to take down Comstock, but Irrational got me on that too. Not sure if that line's meant to be important or not in the grand scheme of things.
I don't care if the reviews for this game are average- I played the demo, and enjoyed it for the most part- just a bit of mindless fun, so I want to at least try the full game out.
You get bitten by a zombie in most games- you take some damage, go and walk if off.
Get bitten by a fungal zombie in Last of Us- you're dead, son. :p
Seriously though, I like how it just cuts to black when he gets his throat ripped out instead of it being some drawn-out death scene- makes it seem more shocking to me.
Good stuff. I've nearly completed Infinite, and frankly I think it's close to a 10 out of ten- very little I can find fault with it. Irrational clearly made good use of all that time they had...
Ironic that Square Enix say that this game didn't meet its sales targets, but here it's the fastest selling of the series in its first week, and its had largely positive reviews all round.
Clearly it did enough things right. Sales aren't everything...
norman69's comments