@wpbsmoka @Hammershock6 That's the same type of asinine thinking that prevented women from voting and promoted segregation in the old south. Survival of the fittest never benefitted anyone, not even the fittest. The more inclusive the industry gets the bigger it becomes, which makes room for more games and more choices for all of us.
I'm really curious as to what they were expecting. 3.4 Million copies sold and that doesn't include the digital downloads? Maybe you set the bar too high, this sounds like stellar numbers
Not trolling at all. The individual class story lines in TOR are much better than the unfinished game Obsidian gave us. While TOR does have some short comings, it doesn't come from the story/lore
@Tripwolf It's content heavy only because it's been out for 8 years and a lot was put into it from Vanilla to Wrath. Since then however, there's been almost nothing added to the game (not counting Cata and MoP, which cost $40 each in addition to your sub fee). Content patches have been few and far between - and lackluster at best.
I do prefer to be "nickel and dimed" because I'm not spending anywhere near $180 a year (plus expansions) and I get a whole lot more new content.
northArrow's comments