"But we're also hearing from thousands of people who are playing across regions, trading, communicating and loving the always-connected functionality."
How is this even possible Lucy? Half of your fucking features don't even work. This is a case where there is one person saying "I like this" while there are a dozen saying "I don't like this" and they're pointing to the one person and saying "see! it's popular!"
Why does every fucking game need a multi-player component? Why can't developers understand that there are just some games in which multi-player brings absolutely nothing of value to the game (I'm looking at you Mass Effect and Simcity).
Some games out there should not be multi-player and the Witcher is one of them
@Shimoakki IGN's rating is pending because the reviewer couldn't log on to the servers, and user scores there give the game a 4.8 which is pretty close to Kevin's 5.0. What I can't stand is people like you who continue to defend this game regardless of how bad things get. At what point would enough be enough for you? How bad does a launch need to be and how many bugs does a game need before you get upset? If you were actually there at launch (like you claim) and as I was you'd understand how fair this review really is. The launch, thanks to server instability, saved cities disappearing and annoying bugs - like regional play not working properly- has ruined the gameplay experience.
I"m a huge Simcity fan, dating back to the original, I wanted so desperately to love this game, but to be fair and honest, the game in its current state is "mediocre"
Even if that were happening in GW - which it isn't, it's still preferable to a subscription fee. A full year is $180, and that doesn't include expansion packs. Can you honestly say any MMO out there has given you the equivalent of 3 full AAA titles worth of content in a year? I can't
The GW2 cash shop was perfect, there was absolutely nothing in it that you needed or would give you an edge. It was just vanity things and buffs you could find in game. The one thing they taught me is that I'll never pay a sub fee again, it's a complete rip off
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