im glad this article doesnt contain any spoilers or anything...but to see the main headline on every major gaming site talking about the "controversial ending" to ME3 BOTHERS ME. This game JUST CAME OUT, man. I am still at the very beginning, and I keep seeing all these articles about how people are disappointed with the ending and it sucks having to dodge articles or blur my vision to make sure I dont accidentally spoil something for myself... but for real, just knowing that the gaming community has a problem with the ending makes me not even excited about playing thru the game anymore. Ugh. I hate when any semblance of a spoiler is plastered on the front page of every major gaming website, its ridiculous man.
to me best thing about my ps3 60gb is using the memstick, SD, and extra usb slots...i run all my avis offa 32gb usb, 16gb memstick, and a 2gb Sd card...but the fact my ps3 uses so much power partly explains why my elec bills so high. i could just get a 2TB external and connect that to a slim ps3 for avis but that would make my memstick useless...dont have a psp
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