Disney Executive 1: Hey, this Poe Dameron character is a hit! Turns out that Oscar Isaac has more on-screen charisma than all of our leading actors/actresses combined, and unlike them, he actually managed to elevate his schlocky material into an entertaining performance. How can we best exploit that?
Disney Executive 2: Let's put him in a comic book!
@not-john-locke: Well, those were major characters, so I'm sure they got a much larger share of the overall time and budget from the filmmakers than they could afford to spend on some two-bit Yoda knockoff who's only in a couple scenes.
@cjimrun: Fass has serious talent, but he couldn't save Prometheus from being a total mess. Hoping this turns out better, but Ubi's movie track record with Prince of Persia is pretty dismal. I guess AC couldn't possibly be any worse.
"Basically my character wakes up in a cellar and I'm being kept down there by John Goodman. He tells me that the world is over outside because there's been a nuclear fall-out. There's a lot of, who's manipulating who, and all of that."
That's an episode of Metal Hurlant Chronicles, featuring James Marsters and Michelle Ryan. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2105647/
@mrbojangles25: Jupiter Ascending was so bad that it almost seems like it was made as a deliberate meta-commentary on the lousy state of Hollywood churning out awful Twilights and Hunger Games's by the dozen.
It actually wasn't so much terrible as it was just incredibly bland, generic, repetitive, and boring. Like the cinematic equivalent of plain rice cakes and water. Your taste buds won't recoil in terror; they'll just be puzzled by the total lack of anything resembling flavor. There are worse ways to spend two hours, but given a choice between Jupiter Ascending and a long nap, I recommend the nap.
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