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nweasel Blog

Been A While

Well. So. Um... HI! It's been a while since I've last updated. Honestly, there isn't much good that I can say right now. I do want to apologize though. I've been trying to keep up with everyone else's Blogs, but I just haven't had the time to between school and work. As it is, I'm sitting here in class, college of course, typing this all out.

For some reason, I reinstalled RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 onto my computer, and I've been playing that a lot lately. I'm pretty positive I'm going to get bored of it soon though, which is unfortunate, but true. I would LOVE to go back and play Guild Wars some more, because I'm still obsessed with the game, but I just don't have the time to anymore. I work 35+ hours a week. But, the good news is, I work at Target... in the electronics section. w00t! Discounts are good, and so are knowing in advance when things are coming out. We just got a huge shipment of Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl in. It was crazy how many we got in. The only positive side of getting the pre-order would of been to get the collectable stylus... which we ran out of. Um, oops?

But, yeah! Otherwise, life is just busy. I miss my gaming. And I miss ya'll at GameSpot who I only get to see on the days that I don't work, for the Live shows. But, they've been fun whenever I've been here.

Last comment for today, my girlfriend should be here either today or tomorrow. Don't expect to see me much. I love her so. And, honestly, girlfriend over gaming ANY day.

Thanks for reading, commenting, etc! Adios!

Guild Wars Reborn?

'm planning on making a larger Blog entry for this later... or maybe even a thread on the Forum... but, wow, Guild Wars and ArenaNet are seriously blowing my mind.

I finally got some time to sit down and play again, and it was too much fun, still. My friends, most of them at least, have left to go play World of Warcraft, because they suck. :P

Anyways, yeah. And, just today, Guild Wars had a HUGE MAJOR update, which is extremely impressive, and has added a lot of awesome stuff to the game.

Plus, with the announcement of Guild Wars: Eye of the North, the first TRUE Guild Wars expansion game; and Guild Wars 2, the first ever true SEQUEL to an MMORPG... things are getting interesting.

I'm sure I'll post more about some of this stuff later, but I pray that I'll get some more time in my life to pursue my Guild Wars entertainment. :)


Well, okay, so... hi! Haha. Things have gotten interesting lately. Things have changed, things have happened, life is insane. I'm totally busy now. Unfortunately, I've ALREADY had to quit my DJing job because I'm getting too many hours at work. And, of course, my gaming is down to naught because of this as well. I work about thirty hours a week now. It's tiring.

Speaking of sleep, I've been getting close to none of that. Ugh.

But anyways. So, I'm now playing four games, on and off. On the PC, I've been playing Escape Velocity Nova, Guild Wars, as always, and I uninstalled my last FPS for Halo again, which my friend wanted me to reinstall. Also, I've given Need For Speed Carbon for the PlayStation 2 another chance, even though it wasn't that good the first time around. I just needed to play another racing game, and I wanted it to be different.

So, there's my gaming, random as it is, but, I'm TRYING to play some games in between everything. Oh, and HOPEFULLY this week my girlfriend will be coming down. Yes, I know I said before that she was going to, but, stuff happened. Oh well. Life goes on.

Off to work for me now, what a surprise. Oh, and I'll be using Game Maker in my game design study in school. We'll see how everything works out. I'm in a group, which we've made into a company, and we're in the making of a 2D puzzle side scrolling adventure game. Who knows what'll happen.

I need some bed. Or a nap. Later!

Two Year Anniversary

As of today, it has been exactly two years since I signed up for the illustrious GameSpot.com website. It has been a very fun two years, and I have enjoyed reading the reviews, the news, listening to the podcasts, and sharing with the community. It has been an awesome two years, and I hope to make it many more. Right now, I am currently working on a couple of projects within the website. My current project is making a brand new Union called The Editorial. If you need more information on it, drop me a Message. We're looking for Charter Members, so hurry hurry. I extend a thank you to everyone who has made my time on this site an enjoyable one. My passion for video games will never end, and hopefully one day, the Editors will review a game that I have worked on or created. I hope that everyone is having a good week, and enjoy the rest of this month, year, and your life.


Lately I've just been getting way too upset with the game industry lately, for many many reasons. It seems as if the disappointment factor is starting to rise, as game developers are making mistakes, or making decisions that I tend to not favor. I would like to address a couple of these in the following discussion here. My first point that I would like to address is the exclusivity of games on certain systems. When I heard that Unreal Tournament 3 was going to be moved to the Xbox 360 as well, I wasn't surprised, and wasn't that disappointed, because I felt that the PlayStation 3 version was going to blow it out of the water anyways. But what really caught me was when I heard that Assassin's Creed was also going to be on the 360 as well, then I was quite disappointed. Even though I believe that the PS3 version is going to be better looking anyways, I still feel that the game developer is only looking to make more money, and that is the only reason that they are moving it to all of the systems. I guess that I am just a firm believer of system loyalty, and I feel that if you are going to choose to put a game out for a certain system, and only that system for most of your game's life, that you should continue to do that, even if it may cost you some money of not being able to put it to the other consoles. The game that has really hit me the hardest though, is Guitar Hero II. Unfortunately, I wasn't surprised when I heard that it was coming out for the 360, but now when I hear that it is also coming out for the Wii, I feel that Activision is just trying to whore their game out to every system now just to make as much money as they can, which disappoints me most. My second point that I would like to make here is the hype factor. I was, and still am, a HUGE fan of Total Annihilation, so naturally, I've been keeping a really close eye on Supreme Commander. I've seen a lot of amazing looking trailers, heard a lot of cool features from the game, and have seen an amazing amount of hype put out for this game. Unfortunately, what I have heard about the game has disappointed me greatly. I have read articles in magazines and seen video footage made by game media outlets all saying the same thing. This game is lacking in everything that makes an RTS correctly. But probably one of the main problems is the view. No RTS should have to be played on a zoomed out satellite view so that all you can see is dots as your units, or have to be zoomed in so close that you have to continuously move your screen just to keep up with your units. TA did a perfect job of having a top down view that could not be adjusted, and has a perfect ratio of what you could see. Other than the view though, there are just too many things that I have heard that have killed the game in my eyes. They put too much hype into a game that did not deliver. Even by word of mouth, either from the Beta or the Demo that was released, no one has told me enough good things about this game to make me want to buy it. And this disappoints me greatly. Well, I believe that is all that I need to say for today. I am glad that I am going to be creating games one day myself, because I hope to change the industry and bring it back to a respectable level. Yes, I know that it is not as easy as just doing something different from anyone else, but you never know what you can accomplish by talking to game media outlets. And that was my two cents. Thanks for reading.

Good News!

[says title in Professor from Futurama's voice] Well, since my newest news is game related, I thought that I would share it with you guys first, because, well... it's game related. After months of being without a certain game because my PC was using a video card driver that would crash my computer every time I would play it, I am finally able to play it again. Guild Wars is now a game that I am able to play again on my computer. I am very happy, and am now going to go and put my life back into that game for a while. Heh. But, yeah. That's about all I have for now! Thanks for reading. I'll have more soon I'm sure. By the way, hit me up on GW @ the name Weasel Terrahawk.

Less Gaming, More What?

It's been an interesting last week or two. Honestly, I don't think I've picked up a controller in a week and a half or so now. HERESY, I know. Well, actually, I've been using more of Game Editors than actually even PLAYING games, but that's just because of what we've been doing in school lately. None the less, I've been shying away from gaming a bit lately, and it's starting to disappoint me. It's not that I don't WANT to, it's just that I haven't had the DRIVE to. The games that I currently have are starting to get to that point of either not being fun anymore, or being frusterating. Also lately, I've been working a lot more on my radio show that I opened a bit back. It can be found by clicking right here. We play a lot of video game music as well, and I am thinking of having a video game music marathon on something like Valentine's Day or something, so keep an eye out for that. Other than that, the only important news in my life is I got my girlfriend back. Even though I didn't tell you that I lost her, we went through two weeks of her being so stressed that she almost left me. In the end, she decided she wanted me back, which, of course, is good. Oh, and to close this off, I want to say ONE more thing. You Don't Know Jack? Amazing game. I've had it for YEARS, reinstalled it recently... my friends and I play a round or two every day at school. We love it. P.S. I love the new additions and updates to the website. It's lookin' sleek. Keep up the great work GameSpot!

What's Playing

It's funny, because I rarely update this Blog, yet I'm ALWAYS on the GameSpot website. I really should get to writing more reviews, but my biggest problem is, I have no new games recently. There just hasn't been anything that's been very interesting to me. But, oddly enough, after my friend was playing it, I got myself back stuck into a game that I haven't played in eons. That game is Kingdom Hearts II. Although, this time, I'm playing it on Proud mode, which, I MUST say, IS harder. I'm having much more trouble getting through some of these levels, unlike before, where it was pretty much simple and easy. But, I must say, I AM enjoying it. So, I think I'm pretty much gonna stick with this until I can get something else new, or until I can get myself back into Final Fantasy XII, of which I'm having QUITE the trouble with. When your opponent uses Self-Destruct and kills off one of your characters in one hit, and there's no way to move them away in time because they're Gambit'd on, yeah, that's frusterating. But, oh well. Anyways, that's all I got. It's nice seein' ya'll again. Leave me love.

Next Gen

With the next gen consoles taking over the market, the now last gen systems are losing their luster. For those of us that don't have the money to purchase a Wii, Xbox 360, or PlayStation 3, we're left with the last great games for our current consoles. For me, I'm left with Final Fantasy XII and Guitar Hero II, of which I'm working on feverishly. The problem is, after these games, that does not leave much else that I really like that I have not already played and beaten. So I am currently in a gaming funk, as some might say, and it is disappointing. And with the issues with my laptop's video card driver, I am still stuck with problems playing Guild Wars Nightfall, which truly depresses me even more. So, here I sit, looking for something to help get my gaming back going again. Next gen, you have done nothing for me yet. But, this is the way of life, and the way furthering our technology.

December Update

Well hey there everyone. It's been a while since I've last updated on here, but I do visit every single day, keeping myself updated on ALL of the latest video game news. Things are going well on my end. If I had previously written a review on Final Fantasy XII, which I didn't, but if I had, I would be editing it now. After getting really angry at the game and putting it down for a month or so, I am once again playing it, and with good results. The game is hard, but fun. It's funny though, because after talking to a handful of people about how I exercise, some laugh, some think it's great. Now, I'll let you take a guess, but it's pretty simple. I use Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA for my exercise, and it works out really well too. You know, other than those games, I really haven't been playing much. I mean, Wintersday began on Guild Wars, but due to my computer being slighty picky with that game, I haven't really gotten back in it. So, my gaming HAS declined lately, to my disappointment... but with the recent addition of a girlfriend into my life... well, we all know how that goes. But, I couldn't be happier, so so be it. Two final notes. I have a new Profile Picture over there, and, yes, I AM holding a Guncon in my hand. Uber geek, yes, but I love that picture. And finally, I live in Minnesota... it's late December now... and we have no snow... and it's RAINING. What, the, hell. Ehhhhh. Yeah, that's all. Later!