Ever since the release of the Wii, and the release of the Wii's game reviews, GameSpot has come under fire from readers everywhere. Now, unlike everyone else, I'm not here to bash on GameSpot for their reviews. In fact, I'm here to explain why I respect their opinion, and take their review with a grain of salt. Here's the deal. A game review is an opinion made by a person, in GameSpot's case, a respected person who has been in gaming for quite some time. They write their reviews with complete honesty, no matter how harsh it may sound. After hearing all of the complaining, I decided to check out why. After reading one of the reviews, I can't understand why people would complain. I read the review for Red Steel, and, if I read it correctly, the game just is not that good for a video game overall. That happens, and all GameSpot is trying to do is say that the game is worth it for those people that really like that kind of game, but for people who are on the ropes, this game may not be for them. What I'm noticing is that Nintendo fanboys are complaining because they expect all of the Wii's game scores to be high because it is so new. That is not always true. Again, this IS a new system, yes, so there may be some games that still have to work out the bugs of using it. This is where the option of User Reviews comes in. GameSpot allows you to post your OWN reviews on games. If you disagree with GameSpot's score, and you've played the game and think otherwise, post your own review. I, personally, always read user reviews as well, because they have as much impact to me as GameSpot's editors. Again, video game reviews are not supposed to reflect how the game for sure IS for everyone who plays it. It is an opinion of a person who plays the game. If you disagree with a rating, pick up the game for yourself, try it out, then judge it for yourself, and share it if you want. Or, if you are just looking for perfect scores for everything, head on over to another video game website that are pushovers, and be disappointed when you pick up a game and don't like it even though it got an excellent score. I just have one quick personal story for you. I picked up Final Fantasy XII because it got a good review. That, and I love the Final Fantasy games, but, I, personally, was disappointed with the game. GameSpot gave it a 9.0, but, again, personally, I thought that it did not deserve that score. The graphics are excellent, yes, but the gameplay leaves something to lack compared to the previous games. That's why I always take game reviews with a grain of salt. Some games may be more fun to some people than others. Don't complain with a game review. It is an opinion. Make your opinion heard by actually creating your own review if you are so against GameSpot's. Thank you for your time.
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