@Landsharkk you know what i got two free games out of the hack..I never complained..when someone got a rrod..they got another xbox...that will eventually rrod again..thats pathetic..they also got a free year of xboxlive..wow..something taht shoudl be free so don't give me bull about service..
@Landsharkk ebay has been hacked..amazon..everythings been hacked..and its been on windows frickin computers..anything can be hacked..it wasn't a manufacturing defect like the rrod incident..I'm not bringing this into the argument though...
@Landsharkk and the psn outage could ahve happened to xblox live too..it was "anonymous" and had nothing to do with how secure they were..they attacked them because sony disabled the other os feature for linux because they were loosing money companys buying ps3 for linux server farms
@Landsharkk pc does better..psn is better in terms of the fact that it is free..its almost as compareable to xbl and its free..therefore you get more for you\re money and it sure as hell feels like they respect me more as a consumer..rather than a frickin piece of livestock..pathetic american trash
@Landsharkk when they charge money for ps plus you get a service..not something that should be free..you get discounts and games..actually many free games..cloud saves and crap that you don't really need...#1 gaming service phhh in america maybe you sound like a drone..,...thats a joke.. lol..#1 lol...and what exactly does number 1 mean to you?.. what is the benifit of being number one? number one what..jhust reminds me of ms at e3..manipulation
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