@Dragdar although maybe thats not a bad idea..an option to have the choice of a color palette like that..obviously for a higher price...if that site can make money from it then sony should have really had a department dedicated to that first. being first party..they would have had a higher chance at lower manufacturing costs and selling more custom units
@Dragdar I didn't mean that they could choose, I just meant there could have been way better color designs for the ps3 slim 1...rather than just completely black..and completely white..I'm getting a white replacement shell for my black ps3..going to paint the inside of the top logo black..and put it on with a black bottom..just something that makes it look like its not the cheap version of the ps3..I can invert the colors too with te other half of the shell. I really hate how plain it is..and I know they were looking for plain..but still
@maltnut meh..theres a few ps2 games on the psn store that arent the best ps2's but proves that the games can be ported to run on other ps3 systems....I honestly like having a ps2 for ps2 software..but I'm a system collector and mostly do it for nostalgia
@xxxMExxx actually its easier to take the actual hard disc out of the ps3 than the 360 for the fact that the 360's disc is in a plastic container thing...you can't replace the 360's disc without opening something that wasn't designed to be opened for consumers..whereas the ps3 you could put a friggin laptop hard drive in there for super cheap..or use solid state drives
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