@the_requiem but I would disagree about atheists..they don't say that answers are wrong..rather that there are no answers and people are just making things up..that its not an argument at all and that the very nature of the discussion is fallaciously manipulated
@the_requiem very true...I respect your comment. I will most likely get this game..and hey if it disgusts me with some sort of message that I myself am against..then at least I tried it. I'm lured to it for the fact that that I've always been fascinated with death..but not whats after...the final frontier
@fullmetalhollow I don't mind mystery in games...themes that circle questions..like the ones we have in life..but when something gives me answers to something we don't TRULY have..and touches on things that are reality like religion..I don't want to play it..all I was asking was if ppl thought it was a religous/spiritual game..or a mysterious game..I like limbo..that game makes sense...theres a lot of first person narative thats completely mysterious..I feel like if someone has all the answeres then they probably have a higher chance of not knowing anything at all..and thats my take on religion..
didn't think I would get so many comments..don't want to get people too worked up..I don't think involving religion makes a game mature..most of my maturity comes through being an athiest and having to grow up and deal with a lot of the crap that I was raised with..I know what "spirituality" is..and I almost became a frickin pastor...I've gone through spiritual and religious paths first hand and I'm honestly sick of it and kindof hurt by a lot of the insanity in between so when I was asking if this game was spiritual/religious I was wanting to know for myself..not for anyone else...very personal things..I don't mind mystery and all the amazing crap in life..but I'd like to leave reminders of past nightmares out of my games right now..many christians even call some forms of their religion spiritual or other things..its all the same to me..just maybe a little more dramatic and new age
@hostetteradam I agree but only to a certain level...pc games don't lose money from used game sales like the console publishers claim therefore selling diablo 2 for 10 dollars is stealing to me. I seen half life on steam for 10 bucks...its one of my favorite games but i don't think its worth 10 dollars today. Not many people can or will steal new games..its the older games which are 5 years and older that they steal...for pc anyways so that almost fills in the used game slot. I'm not saying I condone piracy but I don't think consumers should be cornered either..they ultimately are the ones who are in control.
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