the funniest thing is that violent games just mimic whats going on in the world? think guns are just made up in games???? phhh censorship is just hilarious
I live in canada where its encouraged to fight in hockey...which encourages more violence....encouraging fighting in hockey...or playing something just silly and violent on a GAME???
I wonder if halo would have looked better on a you guys think microsoft specific developers would have made those games for other consoles if the xbox systems hadn't been released
seriously though...the xbox is very cheap and disposable..the old models can't be left on as long as a computer. I loved my original xbox..the 360 just disappointed me...twice
@squall_83 yeah I know man I used to work at a computer g/f and I collect consoles..besides the blinking of the nes there haven't been many problems with consoles till my ps3 is fine...dreamcast fine...ps2 got dirty...I actually purchased another 360 for 20 dollars and reflowed the GPU back to the motherboard and did the xclamp fix...and now the stupid dvd drive went...its like one thing after the other with the xbox..i think microsoft went very very cheap on them...its like they got their foot in the door with the original xbox then just milked it. I never want to be a fanboy...I'm just sick of prying open my stupid 360 case.
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