I play with just a wii remote, and for those of you that think its a waste of time, I dont think so, since I recently won a tournament at an anime convention with just that. Out of the couple of hours i've been trying to figure out how to do a lot of the things most people otherwise wouldn't with a wii remote, is how to do the heavy version of special attacks. I figured out that if you input the actual command and press attack it will do the light version, using the 2 button will use the medium version, but There is no hard version of the special moves that I can really find. I also found that holding back while pressing attack will let you do a medium, so you can do L, M, M, H, H instead of just L, M, H, as most wii remote users do.
Other than that, my question was above, and i'll restate it, Does anyone know how to use the heavy version of special attacks on TVC with just a wii remote?
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