@H0RSE: Cool. We actually share the same opinion, you were just a lot better at articulating it than I was. Ultimately, I think I'm just tired of people saying "Why can't you just review the game and just ignore all the stuff about racism?"
People get really angry about people talking about racism.
@greyranger3: I think it's just because that's a dated way of reviewing games and all other media. How do you review something like Braid, which "technically" doesn't have as much realistic graphic prowess as something like Far Cry? Does Braid's score get lowered because it's not a technical feat?
Are objective game reviews even really possible to begin with? How can you tell people how good the guns feel if that's solely based off of your feelings? "The pistol successfully makes a muzzle flash at the tip of the pistol, and when the bullet comes in contact with an enemy, 1 quart of blood comes out the other end of their torso." lol
In the case of Far Cry 5 you can't really ignore the story and context of the game. A game that takes place in a cyber punk universe would be a totally different game compared to the one made in cult-filled Montana. Even if all the mechanics were to stay exactly the same, the story and setting matter. If Wolfenstein II was about shooting candy at Care Bears on the moon, is it really the same game? It's hard to be ignorant of context because as a player, you too are taking in the context.
My hunch is that you don't feel comfortable seeing or discussing politics in entertainment. Which is fine. I understand. But criticizing "subjective game reviews" isn't going to do much.
@lonesamurai1 There's definitely a market for people who haven't played it on PS3. And it's a good way for the studio to learn how to develop for the platform. I don't really see anything sinister about this, and I think it's good both for the studio and the players. And really in the end, if you don't want it, don't buy it.
@binbin90 The landscape has changed significantly since then. It doesn't make sense to put so much money into big AAA projects when that's not what people are buying anymore.
I doubt Zuckerberg ever actually said that. Even if he did that's not the point I'm making. I just think people are coming to ridiculous conclusions way too quickly without any thought or reasonable analysis of the situation.
Even that doesn't give any indication that Facebook is going stick Facebook all over Oculus. In fact, nothing does. It's not in their interest to do that.
The predictions of a lot of people just sound like thoughtless conspiracy theories.
ollie_sr's comments