God of War 3 and the remakes were the only reason I purchased a PS3 last gen.
Unfortunately they have rebooted the series into a Last of Us themed clone with Kratos and brat which has killed any interest in getting a PS4 Pro for me. Sony's exclusives are hipster bait that I have no interest in and now the only franchise that was good old dumb epic fun has been forcibly injected with melodramatic emotional burden for dramatic narrative.
the first guess would be achievements for OG Xbox games
the second guess would be reactivating OG Xbox Live multiplayer functionality
the third guess is that many more if not near all OG Xbox games get added to Backwards Compatibility
the fourth guess would be striking a deal to get Sega Dreamcast and Saturn Backwards Compatibility
the fifth guess would be adding OG Xbox games to Games with gold so that if offers 2 Xbox One games, 2 360 back compatible games, and 1 or 2 OG Xbox games a month also
the sixth guess would be adjusting OG Xbox games to display at full screen 1080p to 4k
The dumbest trolling argument that always seems to pop up is people saying the X is too much/not worth it then turn around saying they gladly dropped $400 on the Pro and another on the $400 PSVR a format with only short lived bland tech demos that aren't even full games. $800+ on something that is as dead on arrival as the ill fated Virtual Boy. Yeah keep pretending like the X is a NEOGEO or 3DO of this generation guys when fully on board with PSVR the next Atari Jaguar CD and 32X CD.
oneligas' comments