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pagman_rox Blog

The end of the week has come upon us.

At last my week is over. After being loaded with homework all week I actually gave up on my math homework last night and got the answers out of the back of the book. (Will probably contribute to the fail I predict myself getting on today's quiz but that's okay. I don't think I need to know about Domain and Range as they don't effect my actually life.) Me and my friend have already started our countdown to Christmas with a different Christmas song each and everyday. For today's choice we decided on "Sleigh Ride" one of my personal favourites. My friend is also offering her services this Christmas as being a personal shopper for Christmas gifts. For the small fee of just $2 a gift, she will help you choose the gift that is right for your family, dogs, cats, ect. I think it's a scam but she has managed to get a few people considering it. I don't expect to be on much this weekend and although I have no tests to study for and did my math during socials and english as soon as I got home nearly I have an essay to do on Canada and the reasons that lead to confederation. That will make for some fun entertaining hours of reading pointless stuff. (NOT!!) Who really cares. I would say a bunch of people did some stuff which lead to this fight type thing and then they all went on a boat to Britain but I don't think that would get me a very good grade. :P On the plus side I got 32/35 on my English test and CSI was on last night (although it wasn't that great of an episode) and can tune in to Threshold tonight. YAY!!!:)

A little excitment never hurt anyone.

It was a rather boring day with the promise of nothing to so but go to school, come home, do some homework, and then watch TV. The day started out fine, I went to school, found I actually passed the math test I didn't study for, went to socials and wrote a report on some random topic, ate some lunch, went to PE where I participated in the rather boring activity of wrestling, but here is where it got interesting... ...We were playing a wrestling type game which for us just involves a lot of screaming when my teacher blew his little whistle and told us to stop. We all stopped what we were doing thinking that someone was about to get hurt when we hear the fire alarm. Not a good thing to hear. Our teacher tells us to grab our shoes and go outside while some of the more immature kids start screaming "fire, fire." We all make our way outside with our teacher telling us that it was not a drill. We had to stand out on the field and once again the kids in my class were faced with rain but now my class is tough and don't even feel the rain. Because I was in the gym I missed the excitement but after we went back inside I was talking to some of my friends and they said that 6 fire trucks showed up. Someone must have had some fire crackers left from last night and figured it would be fun to light one of the recycling bins on fire. Overall a rather interesting day and to calm me down I am tuning in to House and Bones. Hope everybody had an interesting day

Canoeing will bring about the death of us all.

I learnt that I hate canoeing. I am now home after being away for one night and here are the things I learnt: 1) See title. 2) I will either die in a freak canoe accident or in a freak flash flood while hiking in the rain. (More about that later.) 3) Candy is good. 4) Ice caps from Tim Hortons are my friend. (As with the last time I went away, me and my friends brought ice caps.) 5) Preps think it's cool to get drunk for the first time while away for one night with teachers 100m away. 6) It's fun to fit 6 people in an alleged 6 man tent when really it's not. About the rain. Last time we went away it rained and this time it rained. I hate rain. We had to go on a 2 hour hike and just as we left it started to rain. The people in my class are destined to go away and have to hike in the rain. While on the hike in the rain I managed to fall a total of 3 times, once on an old bridge that was rotten and wet so I slipped and twisted awkwardly and then twice when we got to the rocks surrounding the waterfalls we hiked to cause the rocks were wet. And as for the preps getting drunk, it was so obvious. Everybody knew that some of them brought Vodka and I'm bet the teachers know something was going on. All I had was a bit of Whisky that my friend brought to warm her up. I had like one sip so there was no way I could even get a bit tipsy. It was so funny though. The people whose tent I was in must have gotten about 2 hours sleep. We talked all night and one of my friends James, slept in his boxers so we called him 3/4 naked boy. You had to be there to get the humor of it but it was funny because here we were in a soaking wet tent (nothing was dry, sleeping bags, everything) yelling, "3/4 naked boy, shut up." Anyways, thought I'd update you on my time away as there is nothing else to do. (Yay, Halloween is in 2 days. Free candy!!!)

Hey people

I came here from just to check the site out. Anyways now I can claim I've been here which is something else I can add to the random list of random. ttfn. :)


It's quite boring today. I got up, went to school, had two classes, went home, had soup for lunch, went to the bagel store to buy some bagels. Now I'm home again on the site listening to some Pink Floyd and am waiting to watch CSI at 4 for something to do. I get to go on a canoe trip tomorrow and am looking forward to it. That's why I was buying bagels as me and my friend are to lazy to cook anything. She is on candy duty and as we learnt from our last camping experience we know not to give one of my other friends candy because she becomes super hyper and then makes us play a game called, "Get Mugwa's dinner." She thinks that we will play it this time as well, the only problem is we are on a river. My friend who is on candy duty is excited because she is going to The Rolling Stones concert on Sunday in Seattle so she wants the camping thing to hurry up and finish. This has been my day today and an outlook of my days to come. How is it going with everybody else?


I'm back at school at last. After two weeks I finally got to go back to a place that will one day bring about my death. I'm actually quite happy to be back it's nice to see all my friends and get back into a normal routine. I even had badminton after school which was hard because I haven't played for three weeks. I didn't even get a lot of homework. From 4 classes I only had 7 math questions. Not bad for not being at school for two weeks. In English we watched part of Minority Report. Sure it was only the beginning but still. The only bad things are I have to get up at 7 in the morning which is hard and because of one of the classes I take where we go camping was cancelled last Friday, we are going this week and I have two tests (Math and English) on that day. I get to watch Prison Break tonight as it is back on so as I said in the title yay!!!!:)

Depressing Mondays...

It's Monday and usually I don't mind Mondays, I only have two classes in the morning and then me and my friend hang out at her house. Then when I get home Prison Break is on but because of baseball, it isn't on tonight:(. Teachers are still on strike and I am still left with nothing to do. To add to this rather boring day, it's raining. I can't even go outside and go for a walk to the store to buy candy or something like that unless I want to get wet. I'm convinced I melt so try to avoid rain as much as possible. On a lighter note, I finally made it to level 8 which made me happy because I thought I'd be level 7 forever. I get to watch CSI: Miami tonight for something to do and have Rome from last night to watch so that shall occupy me for 2 hours. :)

And the strike drags on.

I swear this strike is like the Energizer bunny. It just keeps going and going and going:). I'm not complaining but I've actually done all the homework that I was told to do and with provincials in January it isn't good to miss weeks and weeks of school. There isn't an end in site (unless they arrest all the teachers as this is an illegal strike but then I still wouldn't have anybody to teach me.) I never thought it possible but I am actually bored. There is nothing to do, nothing to watch on TV, and yesterday I was forced to go outside and remember what fresh air is like. Anyway, I'm off to go and eat some breakfast and I believe Jeopardy in on some random channel so I may watch that.

Nothing much happening.

I'm bored and my level seems to be stuck at level 7 55% so I thought I would post to try and make my level go up. Must be going as there is homework to be done. (If anyone has any ideas of how to get out of doing homework they would be welcome.) :)