There could only be ONE reason for all that "Ohh! I'll get revenge on that Cerberus for taking Omega, I swear!" stuff Aria went on about. Bioware's just getting tacky with their DLC...
@K-A_L-A_D-U_R I'm sure you'd get more out of communicating with people if you put a shred of effort into trying to understand them, rather than just spitting out the first thing you think (you know, the important stuff).
I'm obviously trying to say that the circumstances surrounding this new title, so far as we are aware of, inspire more optimism from me than those of DA2. We at least know that Bioware generally regards DA2 as something of a failure, and admits it, and that they're trying, to some degree, to take it in a better direction. This may not succeed, but it's better than taking 8 months on DAO DLC, then slapping a "2" on it because it took too many resources to sell at expansion prices.
@BravoOneActual It seems a country's readiness for... Well, reality, can be gauged by whether or not they actually try to keep secrets in decently secret places (and whether those secrets are as silly as whether or not they have hangars).
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