He actually went and destroyed as many of the red lilies as he could once feedback led him to realize what his cataracts caused him to paint. Anywho... I can't imagine why EA would even allow them to bother with something so... Unprofitable. Unless of course they could brand it as some kind of DLC, but even EA would probably see that for the hard sell it would be.
@DarthLod While I vehemently disagree with those this word seeks to describe, it is true that a "homophobe" isn't a real thing for any scientific intents or purposes, but there aren't really any words I can think of to take it's place. Even if there were, you'd have no luck weening people off the word.
@ cowwpie There's more evidence that Rome fell apart due to the over-reaching goals of their new "christianty". I'm not saying that's entirely accurate, but it holds water better than that drivel you speak of.
@drummerdickens Tolerance isn't necessarily a good thing. I mean, we clearly shouldn't tolerate, say, genocide. Homosexuality, on the other hand, is definitely tolerable, it's not like anyone's tried to spread man-on-man action [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades]by the sword[/URL] or anything.
There's no way in hell ME3 will accurately inform players as to what it's like to be a homosexual. It will be as clumsy and cringe-worthy as all the other relationships. Honestly, the point of the character I have going is explicitly to be the biggest dick possible, so if there's a particularly offensive way of turning down a gay love interest, I'll probably do it. That, or string them along until the final moment, then dump 'em. After all, ME makes it far easier to learn about being a horrible person. Being nice and caring about people is for reality. I just wish they'd let me dispose of the more annoying characters...
parrot_of_adun's comments