Bit of a dick move, but I wish nothing but failure for OnLive, so I can't say I'm sorry for them. Digital distribution (steam, et al) is perfectly fine, but cloud gaming (onlive) is a direction we should avoid like a plague.
[URL=]"Mine the Gap"[/URL] was more amusing informative. Oh well, good on you GS, none the less.
Ever since this "DLC" started to take on legitimate expansions (not that those were always worth the money), I've had a complete aversion to the stuff. The weak content we receive through "DLC" is frequently the kind we used to get in patches. When it comes to things like Knoxx's Armory (Borderlands), it would be apt just to call it a downloadable expansion, as it offers much more (and higher quality) than most.
Wow. Noticed this article because of the Workbench icon. No matter how many Amie references there are in gaming journalism, it always seems to pull my strings. Anyway, always a good thing, these sound bytes. Always. The best non-news of GS there is.
@offspring94 A definition under fire, mind you. A substantial number of professionals have rejected psychopathy altogether, seeing it partially as a misunderstanding of other disorders, primarily ASPD. And in regard to the layman's understanding, I think you've confused psychopathy and psychosis (the latter being the more commonly attributed to the term "psycho").
@Raikoh_ @Pete5506 That's what makes a sociopath, which people very, very frequently confuse with psychopaths. So it's entirely reasonable, provided you don't take the terminology too strictly.
I believe (but could be easily mistaken) that psychopath is the wrong word, largely because of a sort of reform about how people classify various forms of anti-social personality disorder. Then, no one seems to get that right. Not to insult anyone, ASPD is ridiculous when it comes to diagnosis and categorization, to admit I understand it myself would be quite the lie. As I have knocked loose up there.
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