@freema 1999 is not ancient by any standard. And SS2 is a superior experience, graphics aside, of course. The reason people thumbed you down likely has to do with your expectations for MW3 more than anything else. But the potentially insulting remark about SS2 certainly didn't help.
These all sound like flaws that wouldn't seriously deter me. I mean, I wouldn't pay $60 for it... But for something more reasonable, this sounds like a perfectly enjoyable game.
If only System Shock 3 were among those... Though, I AM sick and tired of sequels for the most part. I'd rather a great original game than a great sequel.
@Kratos_Kills Yeah, in reality people tend to keep their sexy bits private, but if we're talking about videogames, what would be the problem? Sex in videogames isn't public either, and just as violence, nothing's really happening. Watching some naked person in a videogame is no stranger than taking pleasure in inflicting injury or death upon virtual people. They're both perfectly acceptable precisely because none of it is real. Mind you, even in reality, the stigma against sex and nudity is kinda absurd, if you try and think objectively.
@Kratos_Kills Red Dead Redemption had nudity. Also, don't you find it a bit strange that you refer to nudity as "pollution", but are just fine with all the savage violence in RDR? After all, those parts of the human body you're so uncomfortable with serve only to further LIFE, whereas violence... I'm sure you know why that's not exactly acceptable. I'm all for sex and violence in videogames, and I'm just fine with games that have neither, but to decry sex and nudity as pollution, but then to turn around and start butchering virtual wild west dudes is simply beyond my understanding.
@ziproy Uh... What? What law would that be? For that matter what country do you hail from? Anyway, this is the effect religion has had on the world. Before monotheism, sex was considered a rather trivial matter in most places, at least as far as we can tell. But in the last 2000 years, the concept has become "filthy". Who would have guessed those bits attached to us, that we are BORN with, are really just ungodly filth... Violence on the other hand, can be particularly useful, so people never made a huge deal of it. And now, something really quite awful (violence) is considered less problematic than a person who isn't draped in plant fibers...
@Giancarlo - Excuse me, good Sir, but I don't believe you have lick of evidence that Sony employed poor security measures. Though it would be most gracious of you to reveal any evidence you are privy to!
@Gelugon_baat - But that's not even... My point was that there are no natural human rights, unless you believe in some sort of deity, unless you understood that, in which case I have no idea what this comment is meant for... Look, the internet is clearly an insufficient medium for a discussion of this sort. So I'll just agree to shake your hand on the understanding that mean people are bad. Well, I guess I can't shake your hand, but you get the idea.
parrot_of_adun's comments