@Aspire85 @parrot_of_adun @NbAlIvEr10000 So far, I'd say there's only evidence to be skeptical about releases of theirs that they didn't personally craft. But to each their own.
@lfebaggins @parrot_of_adun @NbAlIvEr10000 That's the problem, those works were made largely by 3DRealms and TimeGate respectively. If anything, the real problem with Gearbox is, A) their willingness to tackle more than they alone have the resources to handle, and B) adherence to promotional campaigns that contradict the reality of the two games mentioned, not that GB necessarily makes bad games.
@NbAlIvEr10000 There are only 2 games they've been involved with that anyone regards as "shit", and both of those were made predominantly by other studios (DNF, ACM).
Gearbox has been around for 15 years and have done more than just the last 3 games *you* can remember.
@genjuroT Still, no. There were ads all over the place for the most successful of games in the '80s, and in the '90s we had the same ad mechanisms as the last decade, then also the internet and way more TV commercials then before, and again it was those games so advertised that tended to sell the best (were you around for either of those decades?). I'm not saying that word of mouth doesn't work, or that quality can't help with sales, but it only very rarely works not to advertise a game at all. Word of mouth alone would never have made this a multi-billion dollar industry.
@sargentpsgamer Undereducated? Their target audience seems to be just about anyone they can possibly appeal to. I've met far too many sound minded, normal adults who play this game to believe that it's exclusively for special-needs 10 year olds. People need relax and stop with the hyperbole. If you don't like a game, say so and be done with it. No need to disparage and generalize absolutely every last person involved with it.
@xsubtownerx @parrot_of_adun Oh, and there is abundant evidence that sites like KS and indiegogo can both be seriously abused, and that funded projects can definitely go wrong.
Like anything, crowd funding is more complicated than simply being "TH3 BEST THING EVAR". For context, I have supported crowd funding projects, though only one was through KS, so I can definitely appreciate the potential in such a platform.
@xsubtownerx @parrot_of_adun So... Because you're getting games you want, Kickstarter is the best option for everyone ever? That hardly makes sense, and you seem to be making rampant assumption about the intent and subtext in what is being said here. No one said "there is bad in crowd funded games".
It sounds to me like your ramblings are just a knee-jerk reaction to anything that doesn't blindly praise kickstarter.
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