Well, if she does like you, and you like her, don't hesitate because eventually she will start liking someone else. This is especially hard when you are shy. (Pretty obvious but it's the only advice relating to this subject that I have :roll: )
A little off-topic but...
That happened to me once and now the girl I like is going out with this guy who I'm pretty sure is a Nazi I'm almost certain because:
1. Nazi symbol on folder
2. acts like being Jewish is bad... really bad
3. only talks with white guys
4. the day after I told my friends about him, he started trying to annoy me in every way possible and won't stop. I would fit in with Hitler's joke dream society, he just doesn't want his secret getting out.
5. randomly talked about gas chambers one day in German(I should have taken Spanish...)
I can't think of any situation worse than that... Heck, I can't think of any situation half as bad as that. I told the girl I like that she is going out with a Nazi but hating Nazis comes with knowledge about them... which she does not have. And I know a lot, even stuff I really don't want to know :?. Lesson: Don't hesitate and don't tell anybody of suspected Nazis - your life will suck.
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THIS GAME IS RUBBISH!!!!!!!gamingfreak911GTA is rubbish, Not Kingdom Hearts.Go away and stop trying to hide your immaturity.
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