peter1191's forum posts
Seriously, whats going on? Why is there a group of people who are willing to find any sort of fault in the West, even though they live in it? Georgia, last thursday responded to attacks on Georgian villages by separatists via military crack down in South Ossetia. Note that this occured after Georgia offered separatists a cease-fire. Russian "peacekeepers" were killed in the crackdown. So Russia up and invades, not even talking to Georgia or asking for reparations for the lost lives. No, just up and invades another country's property. What is the right? What gives Russia the right to dictate what happens in other independent countries? How is it that separatists and invaders are given the upper hand while Georgians, the ones who are suffering, are simply blamed? Sure, South Ossetians are suffering as well, yet wasn't it their separatists who started the conflict? And wasn't it them who wanted to take soverign Georgian land and united with the Russians? Georgia is in the right: what country in the world would give up its land without a fight? And to think they offered separatists a cease fire first, as well.
I'm disturbed at the fact that people seem to think of the west as the one who starts all the grievences, not ends them. WHy, when President Bush criticized Russia, many users on this board warned of the danger and called Bush a fool for taking such a stance. Why not let the whole world burn, then? A democracy under fire, for trying to maintain its territorial integrity, and the USA is going to sit around and watch? Seriously guys, this is an international effort to end a foolish war. Don't tell me those trying to stop the war and warn Russia are foolish: who are the Russians? What military strength could the possess that the USA couldn't match? I'm not counting them out, especially thanks to their oil and natural gas reserves, but come on: the over all idea on these boards is that Georgia is in the wrong, Russia is a monster military power that shouldn't be challenged, as so on and so forth. I'm not talking about war between the West and Russia: I just mean there is nothing wrong with the West standing up for what is right, and Georgia was not wrong to crack down on what should be considered terrorists within their own boards. There is no evidence of "ethnic cleasing" otherwise Georgian operations would have been much wider and Georgian troops returned from Iraq before any action was taken by the government of Georgia. Really, there is no indication that Georgia was ready for any war with Russia. I mean, as far as the news can carry my judgement, Georgia is in the right.
ps love your micheal savage book quote in your sig...i listen to him for the lulz
What does Hiroshima have to do with this? The US nuked another country, not their own.
I was simply saying that America has no such qualms at killing innocent people in oder to destroy their enemy.
Look genius, no country since the started of modern warfare has gone to war without killing innocents. Its horrible, espeically when innocents are specifically targeted. However, its the way to break a country's spirit, however inhuman it is. I distinctly remember the Germans laying waste to Britain in incessent air strikes, but the British proved their mettle still. Its a part of war, killing of innocents, make no mistake. Sadly.
1 there is no need to insult me
2 attacking civilain populations is immoral, especially when it is not a proportional attack (for example, the atomic-bombs)
Its different to say that the killing of civilians is a part of war, then to have a shell blow up your house. Does the 'killing of innocents' spiel give terrorirsts the right to bomb american cities now? Of course not!
Sorry for the insult, but I'm merely pointing out whats true. We really don't disagree, because I believe it is immoral as well. But be realistic here: it will happen. I live in the USA since I immigranted here, so I will probably never know the feeling of fear and horror as my own home gets bombed. Nonetheless, it happens in war consistantly, and all sides contribute. It simply does not work criticizing one side when all do it anyhow.
ps love your micheal savage book quote in your sig...i listen to him for the lulz
What does Hiroshima have to do with this? The US nuked another country, not their own.
I was simply saying that America has no such qualms at killing innocent people in oder to destroy their enemy.
Look genius, no country since the started of modern warfare has gone to war without killing innocents. Its horrible, espeically when innocents are specifically targeted. However, its the way to break a country's spirit, however inhuman it is. I distinctly remember the Germans laying waste to Britain in incessent air strikes, but the British proved their mettle still. Its a part of war, killing of innocents, make no mistake. Sadly.
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