Those aren't the definitions. Communism, as advocated by Karel Marx, wants rule by the "proletariat" or working class, followed by a "classless" society. Its completely impractical, as shown by the fall of the USSR. It devolved into a dictatorship. Look a "Red" China. Its capitalistic now, for the most part; communism is a theory, a good theory, but just that: a theory. Captalism is practical and accomidates human nature (competition)
peter1191's forum posts
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]What makes me laugh is the thread the other day where a few users argued that Europe was in fact a country due to the EU.st1ka
its a different aproach there, basically the E.U. is trying to join Europe as one country, kind of like the USA, its one country but it has 50 states. But saying that Europe is a country is dead wrong
Actually, I rather disagree with your approach there. The USA or the Union, as its called, is a nation that, for the most part, existed as independent and recognized before most of its "states" joined the union. ONly the thirteen original colonies are older than the Union. In essence, there are no "states" without the Union. Sure, Texas, Hawaii, existed as independent before annexation, but you have to understand that the majority of inhabitants in every state were Americans; thus comparing the USA's union to the EU's future union is a jump that shouldn't be made.. YOu have the right idea, certainly, but the USA is odd b/c the issue of state rights vs. federal rights were resolved in the Civil War (in favor of federal, obviously) and that, in my opinion, is the best thing that has happened for this nation's politics
America being Imperialistic, Patriotism is essential, which in my opinion is BSDrCoCoPiMp
I disagree. If you mean socio-economic dominance, that is a mere by-product of globalization, which is inevitable. You could say that China is "semi" imperialistic, have a good share of the US market for its goods, however, that would be an inaccurate use of the word itself. Imperialism really came to a close after the US willingly let go of the Philipinness in 1948 (im not entirely sure of the exact year). Otherwise, the US has been a minimal imperialistic power, certainly a force in many latina american countries via economic cooercion, but otherwise, not truely an "imperialist." Now, if you talked about any other country, such as France, where an attempt to retain colonies lasted well into the 1950s, then you have something. THe US no doubt has economic hegmony over several countries, and has tried, with Iran and Dominican Republic, to use Economic cooercion for intended effects, however, as an imperialist, the US stopped expanding in 1902 and ended its imperialist period in 1948
THis isn't a topic to inform or debate. This isn't a topic to convince. However, w/ the upcoming elections and talk of the lobby groups for Israeli, the question of Israeli's status as a nation and the US support for it goes into question. I like to ask people to DO YOUR RESEARCH! As far as some of you know, the Jews have nothing to do with that area we call Palistine. Hell, some of you probably think the British were closing their eyes and playing "e-ni-mini-myo" while picking a Jewish homeland. Go out and do some research BEFORE you post in such topics. 70% look like idiots talking about the Israeli/Palistinian oppressors/victims or vice-versa. DO SOME RESEARCH POR FAVOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S.-THe Jews were 12 tribes that, after leaving Egypt (according to Exodious in the Bible) conquered (or reconquered) the "Holy Land" which is now called Palistine. In the first century AD (I believe 70 AD) the Romans conquered the area and a diaspora of the Jews occured. Ever since, issues between the Jewish minority and majority of various countries have occured, sometimes under the pretext that the Jews were Jesus-killers, and other times with no pretext at all. Because the Jews were usually successful, they were hated (although this is not the case all the time). And of course, we all know what happened in the 20th century to European Jews (which make up the vast majority of the Jewish population). I believe Britain offered the Zionists a place in Africa to settle, but tehy rejected it, opting to return to the ORIGINAL homeland that was Palistine. The "Palistinians" didn't exist as a group at all until the Jews took power. Until the pt., the HOly Land was a collection of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim settlments, formerlly under the control of the Ottoman Empire until WWI and the fall of Baghdad and Jerusalem to the British forces
LOL everyone hates the US. Must I repeat that the USSR CONQUERED eastern europe, established puppet govs for its protection, attempted to prop up a puppet gov in Afganhistan, etc.? Communist gurellas (although not directly a soviet extension) were active everywhere from South America to Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa. The US, by definition of imperialism, has taken the Philippines, Puerto Rico, some Pacific Islands (Midway, Guam, American Samoa), and Cuba for a 20 year period (virtually) till the rejection of the Platt Amendment in 1933 under the "Good Neighbor"Policy
The Cold War, although the US suppported some nasty dictator (wrong in itself) was hardly imperialistic, only interventionist. Hell, when France proved rebellious in the West's solidarity, the US did nothing to stop it. Hell if I was president, & I was facing the worse threat in human history (USSR) and one of my "allies," were criticisting my efforts, I'd get pissed. Still, little happened. To make a long story short, if there is one thing the US has failed at, its imperialism. Sure, we conquered North America (the states) from the Indians & the few Mexicans living their, but the fact is, we are lousy imperialist by definition. USSR was far more successful: for 50 years, till 1991.
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