Paid reviews do exist. The earliest case was back in the 80's where one of the reviewers for a computer magazine at the time (I forget which one) was found to have taken payment for giving a game a 98% review rating. If it happened then it's sure to still go on.
I buy games consoles because I want to play games. If I want to watch a blu-ray I switch my blu-ray player on. If I want to watch youtube, I open a browser on my laptop and watch youtube. If I want to listen to music I get out my iPod, or switch on the radio (Gasp, radio? How old fashioned!) and listen to music, and finally if I want to watch catch up TV, or Netflix,I switch on my Roku and watch that.
If I want to play a videogame, I switch on my VIDEOGAME CONSOLE (the clue is in the name) or my gaming PC...
The one thing I got from all of this is just how much Phil Fish looks like Graeme Garden from The Goodies.... (anyone under 35 might want to look that one up!)
2013 (or at the very least 2014) will be a big year for console gaming, because if the two major console manufacturers go down the same route in regards to pre-owned games, I wouldn't be surprised if many people turn away from them in favor of PC gaming... Console videogame crash of 2014 anyone?
Oh joy! Don't we have enough of this sort of rubbish already with The Fast and the Furious movies... By the time this gets released they'll be on number 15...
IMO indie is the way to go. There are some really good games coming out of indie studios at the moment. AAA needs to take note of what's happening and stop releasing bugged rehashes of past titles.
peteuplink's comments